Honestly Im Ashamed But I'll Give It A Try

<p>you said "The math is manageable and I can do it I just take a little longer than others to fully grasp some concepts. With 45 students on average with a math class in a portable it gets pretty hard to get specific attention. Going after class is pretty hard as well seeing that most teachers seemingly disappear into an endless slew of meetings."</p>

<p>AND YOU WANT TO GO TO BERKELEY!??!?!!!!!!!!! you know that in most classes you'll be in a lecture hall with hundreds of people, right? no individual attention? ok,just checking.</p>

<p>I'd apply, but UCB is sadly, close to impossible. To give you the realest advice, I'd stay in-state and maybe go to community college or state school. If you have to support the family, no reason to bust all of your money on OoS or private schools. Just my 2 cents. Good luck.</p>

SFSU</a> Bulletin 2008/09--Summary of Baccalaureate Degrees</p>

<p>What Career Opportunities do these Degree Programs Prepare You For?</p>

<p>The Department’s degree programs are designed to prepare students for a variety of chemistry/biochemistry-oriented positions in industry or government labs. These same programs also can be used as a foundation for students interested in alternate career paths, such as high school science teaching, sales or marketing, management, environmental advocacy, patent law, technical writing, and forensic science to name just a few. Many of our graduates use their degrees as preparation for graduate studies in chemistry or biochemistry. A chemistry and biochemistry degree provides excellent preparation for medical, pharmacy, dental, and veterinary schools.</p>

<p>Prospective</a> Students</p>

<p>If you really want to be close to the Bay Area, you might consider University of the Pacific in Stockton. They have a pharmacy program.</p>

<p>Thomas</a> J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences - University of the Pacific</p>

<p>And also, you're going to have great teachers and terrible teachers, just like eventually you're going to have great bosses and terrible bosses. Think about what you can control (doing assignments thoroughly, taking the extra step to learn the material), take responsibility for your actions, and let go of the rest. You had the opportunity to learn a valuable life skill, be thankful :)</p>

<p>Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>I think you need to read the UC website more carefully because you don't seem to have a grasp of UC reality. First, Your UC GPA is based only on sophomore and junior year grades. Second, UC San Francisco is a graduate school- you can't transfer there after two years. You apply to go there after you complete a B.A./B.S degree. As an OOS student (Hawaii) it will be very difficult to get into UCB. What about CSU San Francisco?</p>

<p>i dont think going to ucb will help u that much with getting into ucsf. you want a HIGHER GPA to be competetive, and going to a toptier UC is not going to help ur GPA at all. maybe go to a midtier UC, like ucsc, or ucsb, and kick ass in ur grades.</p>

<p>just a sidenote: imagine not taking ONE midterm/final in college. fail much?</p>