<p>I have no idea if honor court is just a my school thing or if it is nation-wide, but basically it is...I really have no idea but I do know that the top 10% of students in my school is in it. That really is it. The only thing is, they want the students to do a bunch of work for them at graduation and Baccalaureate. </p>
<p>My question to you guys is: Does this "Honor Court" hold any value to colleges? Is it even something that is known throughout the nation? Or is it just a fancy name for my school's top ten percent. I feel like they are just giving us a cookie and then telling us now we have to do a bunch of work to be able to put this title on our application. Being the rebellious team that I am, I don't like that and I am strongly against it. It holds no value besides volunteer hours, of which I have enough, to me. Well, that's what I'm asking you. Does it hold any more value? If it doesn't I could just put I'm in the top 1% (no, that's not a typo, I am in the top 1%) of my class and it would have the same effect. In other words, I don't want to waste my time with this cheap labor crap. If that's all it really is.</p>
<p>TL;DR: What value does Honor Court hold to colleges and does it really mean anything?</p>