<p>Hi. I searched the forum but did not find a prior answer to how students are notified whether they have been accepted into a particular Honors Action program (my son has applied to Outdoor Action.)</p>
<p>I already have an email in to the Honors College, and don’t want to bug them again (yet), so I thought I would just ask quickly in here: </p>
<p>how were you notified of acceptance in one of these programs?</p>
<p>Thanks so much. I am holding off on registering for Orientation until I know whether Outdoor Action is set or not - trying to avoid driving up to Tuscaloosa twice in one month
<p>Why would you be driving up 2x in 1 month? Are you not registering for other courses (at a BB) until beginning of August? (There is much to be said for attending an earlier BB and then having all summer to tweak your course selections throughout the summer.)</p>
<p>Well, I intended to sign my son up for the Honors Bama Bound scheduled for July 7-8 so that we could go spend a weekend up there, get the orientation done, and then not have to be on the road traveling again for another month. Didn’t want to go in June due to finishing up school, work obligations, etc, But I was dumb and waited, not expecting that July 7-8 session to fill up so quickly. So I am looking at dates in July. We have a family reunion scheduled out of state in Arkansas the first week of August, so the plan is now to go from Florida to Arkansas and then, on the way home, help him move in the weekend before Outdoor Action, and then he would be set to attend that and then start school the following week (we would stay in town until that Monday, and then head on home.)</p>
<p>The best, most efficient plan for us is to sign up for July 30-31 - leaving Florida towards Alabama on July 29, attending orientation 30-31, driving to Arkansas to stay until August 8, driving back to Tuscaloosa to move him in, and leaving for home on Monday 8/11. The pet sitter is going to earn a pretty penny (worth it, but still, ouch.)</p>
<p>Not too worried about classes for the first semester. He will get what he needs, and is pretty flexible. If he does not get into Outdoor Action for whatever reason, then all hopes for efficiency go out the window, and I will have to figure out a way to get him there to, perhaps, the June 23-24 session, but, I am hoping he gets into OA and hope we hear back soon.</p>
<p>@chesterton - I have signed DS up for Outdoor Action as well, and have not received confirmation, but when I go to that page and click to pull down one of the Action choices, it tells me that he is already enrolled. I believe I’ve heard in the past that unless you’ve been told otherwise, it’s ok to assume that they’re in. Maybe one of the seasoned parents can speak to that! :)</p>
<p>I, too, missed out on earlier BB sessions. We ended up with June 25-26. Was hoping for earlier dates or at least the July 7-8 Honors section. Does anyone know if there is a waiting list where BB sessions can be changed to an earlier date?</p>
<p>When we emailed them about the waitlist, they said that we needed to just keep checking the link where we originally registered to see if anyone cancelled for the date we wanted. </p>
<p>@beadymom and @kroplady … thanks so much. I will check his application status for OA - last time I looked it just said that he had already submitted his application. I had emailed the office about whether students can apply to more than one (if OA filled up, my son would go with AA), but had not heard back.</p>
<p>As far as waitlists for BamaBound, yes that is the first email I sent and they were very nice, letting me know they don’t do waitlists, but to just keep checking as kroplady said. I have been doing that, too.</p>
<p>Thanks again for the responses. Roll Tide!</p>