Honors Admission Notification?

<p>Does anyone know from previous years or possibly things they have heard from the admissions office when they will be notifying students that were invited to apply and submitted an application to university honors if they were accepted into the program or not? thanks so much</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.univhonors.vt.edu/html/admissions.html[/url]”>http://www.univhonors.vt.edu/html/admissions.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>That website says early April, so you should hear back very soon.</p>

<p>I called the Honors department for my S. They said letters should be mailed by April 1st.</p>

<p>oh yay, thanks!</p>

<p>Son received Honors acceptance via email this afternoon - yah!</p>

<p>Son also received Honors notification via email today as well as Honor Housing.</p>

<p>i have not gotten an email does this mean i havent gotten in? i had the stats to qualify I had 1400 and 4.4 GPA and an excellent rec with excellent extra currics.</p>

<p>They email you if you don’t get in as well verycoolkid, so you just didn’t receive it yet. I didn’t get in … congrats to those who did</p>

<p>i got an acceptance email to university honors with housing as well. i said it was on a first come first serve basis though… has anyone already confirmed their spot in the program for next year?</p>

<p>I never got an e-mail saying yes or no :/. Has anyone else still not received an e-mail? I tried calling the office but they’re not open on Saturdays.</p>

<p>@hokie15 </p>

<p>i have also not received a notification yes/no either. do you know of the requirements to get in (i know eligibility of 1350 and 3.7 but to get in?)</p>

<p>No, I’ve looked around the web but can’t seem to find any stats on their admissions. I think I’m just going to call them on monday. (I hope they didn’t lose our applications or something…)</p>

<p>There are no requirements beyond eligibility. Honors admission is holistic, unlike VT admission which is stat based. This is where all the subjective aspects of your resume are important.</p>

<p>I didn’t get an e-mail saying either way, and no letter came in the mail today. I can’t help but thinking my application didn’t get to Tech or something, or maybe the letter wasn’t postmarked on time since I kind of remember putting it off a lot.</p>

<p>My son had the earliest Honors app deadline of all his friends by weeks. They may be sending responses in batches. I wouldn’t read too much into not hearing yet. Certainly call on Monday, however don’t stress in the meantime.</p>


<p>As is the same with me. I received my honors notification before many of my friends had even been accepted to tech (i think my deadline was in late feb-early march). i was accepted in mid february. still havent gotten a notification.</p>

<p>anyone else calling in tmrw?</p>

<p>My sons deadline was early February, before he was admitted. Hopefully everyone will receive an answer quickly so they can weigh options.</p>

<p>anyone else getting busy lines to their honors college?</p>

<p>Keep in mind today is the Engineering Open House. A rather large undertaking. My guess is there is a drain on admin overall today. Perhaps you could send an email in addition to trying to call?</p>