<p>will there be honors advisors available at orientation or do you have to set up an appointment with the honors department beforehand?</p>
<p>It’s been a few years, but Honors kids were called out and met with their designated advisor as a group. There was one orientation to which Honors kids were assigned to make this easy. I’m assuming it is the same way today.</p>
<p>mine was only last year, but from what I can remember we were taken aside at one point in the orientation to go over honors material and what not. I can’t remember but it may have only taken an hour or two and then we were assimilated back into our regular orientation groups. i don’t think there was one orientation assigned for honors students.</p>
<p>they pull you out of your normal group for an honors session. i don’t know what happened because as soon as i got to honors, i got transferred again to a session for high school/AA graduates, and i didn’t learn anything about honors. lol</p>