Honors- Alabama Action 2016- Question about move in?

My kiddo registered for Alabama Action 2016 yesterday. I’m a little concerned with the dates posted- it says the dates are from Aug. 7-12. When do classes actually start? Can she just stay in the dorm until classes begin? I’m thinking the move in would be around the 17 or 18 of August? She’s already scheduled for another Bama bound session in May- so she can’t do AA and Bama Bound back to back. Anyone with experience on this? Can she just say in the dorm until her classes begin? Thanks in advance.

Yes she can stay in the dorm until classes begin. That’s another plus of doing Honors Action.
Have fun and ROLL TIDE!

BTW, classes begin on Aug. 17th.

Thanks so much! Sigh of relief!!! Roll Tide!!!

Just FYI, you can find the Academic Calendar at registrar.ua.edu

Classes start the 17th and I believe move in starts the 11th or the 12th. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but move in for Alabama Action is the 5th.

Here is the schedule from 2015. http://housing.ua.edu/movein/checkin/signup.cfm. 2016 will be similar, I’m sure.

When do we receive a move n time for early move in?

This is quote from last year (see post #6 link) - 2016 may be similar…so keep an eye out early June?

Move-In 2015 Sign Up
The online check-in sign-up process will be available beginning at 10 am on Tuesday, June 9th. Students participating in early group arrival will be able to sign up for August 6th and 7th until 5 pm on June 12th. Sign-up for move-in on August 14th, 15th, and 16th will be available until July 31st.

You’ll be given an opportunity to select a move in slot online during the summer. The sign up date has been in early June in previous years.

We are working on getting Move-In information finalized for this year. There WILL be some changes, so please check back with us for the most current information.

But yes, those students who are already signed up for early activities will have the opportunity to sign up for a move-in time online in early-mid June. After that time, all early arrival requests will need to be emailed to moveinhelp@sa.ua.edu.

Hope this helps,

Make sure your student has food on hand in the dorm and money to go buy food elsewhere. Two years ago, the dining hall was not yet fully operational during that weekend before the Action programs started and the on-campus non-dining hall options had very limited hours (some never even opened until the following week.) Fortunately, we did not leave town immediately and were able to go and pick up our student to take him out to eat and to get to the store to buy some groceries. Perhaps things went better last year for the Action students, but given how the dining hall program continues to be run, I doubt it :frowning:

@chesterton - thank you for this info!!!