My daughter is taking Honors Algebra 2 in HS Freshman year. She is getting B+/A- in the tests offered so far. She is worried she might get B in this course.
I checked University of California A-G Course List and found that Honors Algebra 2 is UC Honors course when taken 10th or 11th grade only. Is my understanding correct?
If yes, is there any advantage in taking Honors Algebra 2 in 9th grade? If it is not going to give GPA boost for UC Fully Weighted GPA, she prefers to switch to CP Algebra 2.
9th grade courses are not included in the UC GPA so UC approved Honors will not be weighted. However, taking the Honors course will be considered as part of her academic rigor.
BTW, a B grade is a good grade. As long as she feels comfortable with the material, she should continue in the class.
Thank you @Gumbymom and @ucbalumnus
She is comfortable with the material just the teacher has the reputation of giving hard tests. I will let her know your suggestions.
Thank you so much.
OMG - My son is in the same boat- very humbled by his math teacher in his San Francisco college prep school-he is understanding all the concepts without any issues-but scores B’s in his quizzes cause the tests are really hard-hope your daughter finished the year well- its tough!!