Honors and merit money notification dates?

When will Purdue notify applicants about Honors? And scholarships? Is it all on Jan 15?

Honors notifications came out after acceptances last year. I can’t remember exact dates but I want to say it was a few weeks. Not sure about scholarships.

For scholarships is Honors acceptance require.

Does anyone know if Honors notifications and merit scholarships notifications come by snail mail or email in February? Thank you!

Email and updates to the portal.

Last year DD got an email telling her to check the portal on a certain date. (If I recall, it was supposed to be mid February but they released decisions earlier).

And no, I don’t think you need to be in honors to get scholarship money. And conversely, honors college acceptance doesn’t guarantee scholarship money.

My D went through this a couple years back when we learned that very few merit scholarships are awarded for engineering applicants. 1 in 11 offered merit for engineering was the estimation provided by Admissions team. The school doesn’t match any other acceptance offers or scholarships. If an applicant who is awarded a merit scholarship decides to decline their offer then that scholarship is not “re-awarded” to another admitted student.

During our campus visit we were told that Average stats for engineering are GPA 3.9 UW (with full course rigor) and 32 ACT. Don’t expect any special consideration for being average.

Merit scholarships for other majors / colleges may be easier to get (lower stats required).

Any idea why they determine scholarships on a per-major bases rather than whole school basis? Does that mean that CS is even harder?

I don’t know for sure but my bet is they don’t have trouble attracting high achieving students to engineering and CS.

On the admitted student youtube live tonight they said merit scholarship notifications would come tomorrow (1/25) after 5pm. Not sure if these are just the university wide merit awards or the college ones too. But something will be out tomorrow. Good luck.

They had also mentioned on the youtube chat that the merit based scholarships will be announced tomorrow via email and the student portal. Only those who receive a scholarship will be notified. Around 10% of those accepted in the EA cycle will receive a scholarship. Financial aid will be out sometime in February.

For anyone else interested, the relevant part of the video is here: https://youtu.be/GzlEg7RnfjU?t=1559

Super thankful for a $10,000/yr Presidential scholarship tonight right after 5pm. Hope you all received good news too!

Congratulations to all scholarship recipients!

Has anyone received any notifications about Stamps or Beerings scholarships?

May I ask a blunt question… My son was admitted FYE. We are OOS. He was not awarded any merit $. So per the financial aid tab in MyPurdue our expected cost to attend is $45,000 a year. How are y’all going to do this? We’ve been saving since he was 2 and we can swing $30,000 a year. But I’m not sure where the extra $15,000 is going to come from. Do others have that $45,000? or are you expecting to use loans? I understand this is a bit of a personal question, I’m just trying to figure out how we make this work. I’d appreciate anything you are willing to share.

@RoboticsWidow So far my daughter hasn’t gotten any scholarships or aid (got substantial merit and financial aid from other schools) which equals her not attending Purdue. Unless something substantial changes, we just can’t afford it. And she got into their CS program. :(.

Is there a date for Honors notices other than “by the end of Feb”?

We are in state with a son admitted FYE. 34 ACT, NMF, multiple academic teams, athlete, and techie in theatre. No scholarship awarded, but none expected. Even though he was top at his school, he is going to be just another engineer at Purdue. Purdue has risen up the engineering ranks heavily over the past decades. They accept top notch students from Indiana, OOS, and out of the country. Even with non-existent merit scholarships for FYE, enough student accept their offers that they get a full class. Thankfully we reside in Indiana and have a great state school for engineers. I don’t think OOS FYE and CS applicants understand most likely they will be paying full tuition. It is one of the reasons Purdue is able to keep tuition at a stable rate.