Honors Calc 2 or Calc 3?

^ agree wholeheartedly Post #19. A solid foundation in math is essential for some majors. Don’t skimp if you get a ‘3’.

So next my next question is …if we are bama bound in May and the AP test results aren’t released until July, what Calc class can my son put on his schedule? I’m guessing that he won’t be allowed to put down Calc 3 until the AP test results come in. Does anyone have any insight on this?

Students typically register based on the view that they will have passed all of their AP exams. Advisors will issue overrides as such.

^^^ If your student is confident that they did well, then the advisor will allow them to register for Calc 3 - no problem. Can always change classes later in summer if needed. (But I hope not!)

There should be no problem moving up or down throughout the summer. Register for what you are most comfortable doing. Overrides are common at BB.

One issue for drop/add- Last year we went to the first BB. DS was given the override and registered for Calc 3 with his second choice professor. A couple of weeks later, a seat opened up with his 1st choice. He dropped the original, but the computer would not let him add in the new one. I guess the override is only good for a single use. After a flurry of emails to different people, he was able to get the situation resolved within a couple of hours and got the seat with his first choice professor. Fortunately, the one seat was still available. Just be aware of this if you register the first time with an override.

My DS also went straight to Calc III. For him, it was a great decision because the Calc II course was extremely difficult and time consuming based upon his friends’ excperiences. I think Calc II would have resulted in a lower grade

So for Computer Science, how important would that Calc foundation be? My DD is planning on skipping right to Calc 3 if she scores well on her AP test.

My DD got a 5 in B/C and a 790 math SAT. She skipped straight to Calc III at UVA and had to drop it because she was doing so poorly.