Honors classes and regular classes

If you retake a class, will an honors class count as a regular class?

If it is a UC approved Honors class and you retake the exact same class, it still remains an Honors class. Are you retaking an Honors class due to a D or F grade?

You can look up all UC approved Honors/AP/IB and/or DE classes for your specific HS using this link:


Well, the class i failed was CC Algebra 2 and i retook it my junior year as H CC Algebra 2. My question is, does it count as the same class when applying to Cal States?

If CC Algebra 2 is a regular class and you retook the class as an Honors class and passed, I would assume that the repeat grade you received would be Honors level. If it was reversed, where you took a Honors level class and failed, then repeated the class as a regular class, then it would no be considered the same class. Repeating a higher level class should be fine.

From the CSU application:

If you have repeated a course by taking the exact course at a later time, list the highest grade(s) you earned in this course. “Exact course” is defined as the exact same course with the exact same course title taken at the same school. Do NOT enter this repeated course – as defined here – twice.

So according to CSU Mentor, you will have to report both classes and grades, just like the UC application. They are not considered equivalent, but since you repeated with a Honors level course, it will be to your benefit.

I understand i need to have both those grades placed in my transcript when applying to university in California. Just to make sure, what i did does count as me retaking the course, right? When looking at my application, they will see that i retook the course? Can this deprive me of being accepted into a CSU just because that F shows even though i retook the course as a higher course and earned good grades during both semesters?

Im sorry, I’m just very nervous about this problem of mine…

No, you retook the course, so you will not be denied and definitely not from CSULA.

When applying to CSULA, can i add this in the “additional comments” section? Just to clarify that i retook the class

And my success in improving my math skills due to the impressive teacher i had, and what not…

Since they are not the same class, you would list them on your CSU application with grades for both classes. The explanation is apparent showing a regular and an honors class.

By CSU application, you mean my transcript that my high school gives me to apply?

No the Cal state application which opens in October. For the Cal states, you do not send a transcript until you are admitted and enrolled. If there are any issues, they will ask for your transcript prior to a decision. Everything on the application is self reported then verified when you send the trascript at the end of Senior year.