Honors classes for non honors students?

<p>I'm not in the honors program, but I have high marks in MAC2311 and MAC2312 and I wanted to take Honors Calculus 3. Would this ever be possible?</p>

<p>First and second year honors students get to register early (March 22 and 23) to 2 honors courses however it is my understanding that anybody can register to honors courses during their regular reguistration date.
email to honors advisor : Melissa Johnson</p>

<p>i wouldn’t recommend taking honors calc 3 because it gives you no advantage whatsoever. they cover the same material while giving harder homework and exams, so essentially what you’d be doing is taking an honors class for the sake of having less free time to do other more productive things.</p>

<p>but for honors classes that do not have regular alternatives, you can usually email the professor to get in (though i think the process is different by department). in many cases they are worthwhile to get into, especially if the topic is something you’re particularly interested in, or its a unique class in your major.</p>

<p>As a physics major, I was able to get into every honors physics class before regular registration by talking to the physics undergraduate coordinator. If you are a math major, it might be worth a shot.</p>