Honors College Acceptance

<p>In case anyone is as in patient as I am, I was looking at the UA website and I clicked on the Housing Application link, yesterday it say “NO” for Honors College. Today it says “Yes”. We knew D’13 had the stats but it still makes me happy to see :)</p>

<p>I haven’t told D yet, but I will tonight !</p>

<p>Congratulations! I’m glad to hear the Honors College review process is proceeding. Just curious, when did your D apply? My D got the automated message that she would here a decision in a few weeks (can’t remember exact timeframe).</p>

<p>DD found out she was accepted to Honors College today as well - she received an e-mail on crimsonmail saying that she was accepted and to expect a letter in the next week to 10 days. She submitted her application in the beginning of August.</p>

<p>Daughter told me she was accepted to the Honors College today. I asked when she submitted the app and it was less than 10 days ago (Sunday Sept 2nd). Is it time to put a deposit down for housing?</p>

<p>D submitted her application Aug 22 and yes I just found an email in her Crimson mail account as well!</p>

<p>Readytoretire…if you want to deposit now, and it will accept it now, then go ahead. Your child will have first pick for housing.</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone!!!</p>

<p>Congrats to both the students and their parents!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Just checked via the Housing app (thanks Longsx3!) & D2 has a yes for Honors housing too. She didn’t do her scholarship and honors application until this past Friday night! (She greeted me at the door Friday afternoon holding her admission certificate :)</p>

<p>Now I really need to get my son moving. He hasn’t sent his Honors App yet.</p>

<p>Congrats to all!</p>

<p>DD also got her Honors acceptance yesterday. I had to push her to check her crimsonmail last night since she received a couple of other communications from UA yesterday at her regular yahoo email. The timing was nice for her - she found out just a couple hours before she turned 18 - a little something extra to celebrate tonight.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all!</p>

<p>I got an email on my Crimson account that I’ve been accepted too. Roll tide!</p>

<p>DD’13 was waiting for fall NHS election of officers before completing Honors app. So she hasn’t done that yet. </p>

<p>BUT doesn’t housing apps become available Oct 1?? I’m thinking my D should go ahead and do the honors app like tonight so that it can be processed before housing becomes available.</p>

<p>She got the presidential and isn’t NMSF, so she isn’t guaranteed honors suite style housing therefore she needs to get housing in early.</p>

<p>What happens if she isn’t accepted into honors by Oct 1? Does she go ahead and apply for housing and then her honors designation is changed so she can still get honors housing per date of her housing app???</p>

<p>THANKS in advance for the info!!</p>

<p>Definitely go ahead and apply to Honors and pay the Housing deposit as soon as it becomes available in October. Since room selection isn’t until the spring, she’ll just need to make sure her status is changed to Honors eligible well before housing selection begins. She should be fine as long as she doesn’t forget about this. She won’t be able to select Honors housing until her status is updated. Again, that’s not important until just before housing selection. The leadership position really won’t matter much for the Honors application since her GPA and test scores make her eligible for Honors.</p>

<p>Thanks bamagirls!!</p>

<p>So, how does being flagged Honors “Yes” physically effect the housing selection process? Does it allow you access to halls other people can’t see online (during room selection). I get that the earlier you pay the housing deposit the higher you are selection time list.</p>

<p>^^If a student isn’t flagged as “Honors, yes” will not be able to select Honors housing during the selection process in the spring.:)</p>