Honors College Acceptance

<p>How do they notify you for acceptance into the Honors College? Mailed letter, email, change in something on mybama…? Thanks!</p>

<p>D received an email stating she has been accepted and that a letter will be sent in the next few days.</p>

<p>My son was notified/accepted by email 4 days after applying.</p>

<p>Thank you both!</p>

<p>DD just received her email today. I think she applied about a week ago.</p>

<p>Mckibben18, not sure if your aware but as long as you have the minimum stats required to apply acceptance is automatic. It’s highly recommended that if you meet the requirements that you participate. The perks are far too great not too including Honors Housing, priority class registration.</p>

<p>Thank you NYBama, I was almost positive that was the case but wasn’t sure when I would actually have confirmation of being in the HC. Still waiting on the email but I do meet the requirements! I’d just like to see the email just to see the actual acceptance :-)</p>