Honors College admission requirements?

The new round of SAT scores have arrived and there is major celebration in my house as D raised hers considerably. She now has a 1300 CR+M and a 3.65 unweighted GPA, which if I am reading the Alabama website right, means that she gets an automatic 1/2 tuition scholarship. We live in Mass, and this puts UA at just about the same price as instate at UMass. If this is right, I think we found a new safety as she does not want to go to UMass.

But we can’t figure out the Honors College. It looks like the Honors College may also be simply based on stats. Is this right? I can’t get to the actual application as it seems that you must sign in first but it from what I can see, her stats are above the requirements. Or is that just the minimum to apply? If there is still a selection process, how difficult is it to get in?

Admission to the honors college is stat based. What you are seeing online will get you in. You have to be admitted to UA before you fill out the honors college app. Also, there is a short essay for honors colle app, not a big deal. No selection process. But keep track of the deadlines.

And congrats on the wonderful SAT score. Roll Tide!
