Honor's college and engineering question

<p>I have heard of another school where the engineering college and Honor’s college do not get along. You have to submit two different grad projects at roughly the same time. For this reason my cousin turned down Honor’s at that particular school. is this the case for UA?</p>

<p>Never heard of this at UA. The Honors College is quite separate yet has very achievable requirements (GPA + #of honors credit hours). The two work in tandem at UA. There is no in-fighting that I have ever heard of - they both want kids to succeed and will do everything in their power for students to do so.</p>

<p>UA’s Honors College has excellent relationships with each of UA’s colleges. Unlike the honors colleges at many other universities, UA’s Honors College operates more as a facilitating organization than a lock-step program for top students, a fact evidenced by the relatively low number of classes required to graduate from the main honors program (the Univerity Honors Program) and the wide variety of classes, many of which are taught by faculty of other colleges at UA, which satisfy UHP course requirements.</p>

<p>No problem with this issue at Bama. That sounds very counter-productive.</p>

<p>SEA_tide mentioned the #1 reason DS was interested in both Honors and Engineering at Bama - Low number of classes required for Honors and variety of classes. Other schools we reviewed required set classes for Honors and the Honors classes were very heavy writing based. Other colleges required an honors course every semester. The flexibility of Bama’s Honors Colleges allows STEM kids to participate easily.</p>

<p>Are there graduation projects for Honor’s and Engineering? If so can they use one project to count for both?</p>

<p>There is an option to write an honors thesis to graduate as “University Honors Program with Thesis,” but it’s not required and very few students choose that option. Engineering students typically complete a portfolio of their work and possibly have a capstone project in one of their 400-level courses.</p>

<p>Do note that those earning a master’s degree are required to do either a research paper, thesis, or take a comprehensive exam. The research paper and thesis can not be the same as the Honors thesis as the Honors College requires that an honors thesis be written as part of an honors class on the topic (UH 499). The Honors College also offers UH 498 which is designed for those doing research for their honors thesis.</p>

<p>Thanks for everyone’s help.</p>