Honors College and housing?

<p>Let me start off by saying…Roll Tide! What a great win over Michigan state today!
I just applied to the Honors College. I put it off a little bit but since it was an automatic admission with my stats I don’t think it hurts me. However, I was about to put down my and under my information it said “Honors College: No”. Do I need to wait until I am accepted into the Honors College to put my deposit down? If I do it now will I be allowed to get honors housing once I am accepted into the HC?</p>

<p>Thanks again for the help,</p>


<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Since you’ve submitted your Honors College application and qualify for automatic admission, you are basically admitted. I see no problem in putting down your admissions and housing deposits. Once you are officially admitted, the computer systems will update to show you as being in the honors college. Should any problem(s) occur, contact the Honors College and they will fix the problem(s).</p>

<p>You need to put in your deposits.</p>

<p>Once you’re officially accepted to honors, that will open up your right to select honors housing. But, the main point is that you need to get your deposits in (including housing app/deposits) to get your place in line for room selection. Don’t wait until you’re accepted to honors to deposit.</p>