Honors College-anyone heard?

<p>Has anyone heard from the honors college, or contacted them for an anticpated notification date? I know the information on line says not to expect anything until the beginning of April, but if anyone knows anything more concrete please post!</p>

<p>I haven't heard yet. If anyone wants to call and ask them go ahead :)</p>

<p>Hey I just an email saying that i am in.</p>

<p>After consideration of the fine record of achievement reported on your application to University Honors at Virginia Tech and under the Guidance of Standards set by the Academy of Teaching Excellence, we welcome you into University Honors. Your admission to the program is a significant statement of your talent and motivation.</p>

<p>Admission to Honors is also a prediction on our part. While you have a fine academic record, the committee did express some concern that you not overload your fall enrollment with Honors courses. These courses are more rigorous and faster paced. We recommend that you choose one Honors course and concentrate your efforts on obtaining the 3.50 grade point average needed to remain in Honors.</p>

<p>We believe that you will continue to work at a very high level of accomplishment while in college. To assist you in that effort, we will begin at Summer Orientation to work with you in developing your plans for a superior education. Please plan now to attend the two Honors sessions during freshman orientation in July. (You will receive information concerning these meetings during June.)</p>

<p>Theres some more stuff, umm I don't really understand what they mean by that second paragraph cuz i have all AP's and Honors this year.</p>

<p>KeithA1223, I got the same thing when I was in honors at Tech. They basically send that version of the letter to anyone who doesn't have 4.0 1600, you can take as many honors courses as you want, I didn't have any problem taking 2 courses in a semester. Good luck</p>

<p>I got the email today without the second paragraph in KeithA1223's version, and my GPA is 3.896 w/ SAT of 1330.</p>

<p>can someone post their essay here coz i am about to start mine. and i am pretty scared by the guidelines. just wanna see what they want</p>

<p>i have a 4.0 and a 1330...whatever it doesn't really bother me too much, I wouldn't want to take soo many honors courses. At first I thought it was saying that they were concerned that I didn't take too many honors courses in HS this year, I just read it wrong though.</p>

<p>Crich...for the essay I used "I" a whole lot in mine...I guess it didn't matter too much....I thought it sounded really weird tho going back to third and first person</p>

<p>Son got the emial yesterday as well :) He was very excited. I read his essay & he also used "I".</p>

<p>can somoene post or atleast pm me. i would like to see what kind of info i should put</p>