Honors College invitations

<p>he applied EA and got the scholarship with his admittance letter…end of Dec? Can’t remember exactly.</p>

<p>has anyone got an honors college invite that applied by the scholarship deadline(Dec 15) but after Early Action(Early November)??</p>

<p>collegebound41 - see my posting above. My d applied middle of November, after EA deadline, but before the December 15th scholarshiop deadline. Her friend at the same high school applied about the same time (after EA/before 12/15) and just received the Honors College invite too on March 9th in the mail). Good luck!</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many students who start out in the Honors Program remain in the program through graduation?</p>

<p>thanks socalmom, was it a big invite like admissions or a tiny letter? have you received a FA package yet? </p>

<p>as for the honors program, i know it grows as more students apply and are accepted after they are freshman, so it would seem that very few actually drop out.</p>

<p>It’s a large invite with the Honors College crest/logo on the outside :). D only received merit award, nothing yet on F.A.</p>

<p>I agree with Rice1961. The Honors College is nice but not getting in would not be a deal breaker. My daughter is from Southern California and is currently a freshman at TCU. She loves everything about it. The honors dorm is great freshman year but all of the dorms are pretty amazing. After freshman year most of the honors students leave Milton Daniel. My daughter hopes to live in the commons next year with a group of honors/non honors students. You may consider calling TCU’s Southern Cal. rep, I think her name was Betsey, and ask her advice. She is very helpful.</p>

<p>Mithwhizmia – It really sounds like it was an oversight after reading the above posts. Call or email Betsey and/or Admissions directly.
Betsey Hayes, M.Ed.
CA-NV Regional Director of Admission
Texas Christian University

<p>I talked to the Admissions office today and was told that they are still sending out invitations to the Honors college.</p>

<p>Received Honors invitation today.</p>

<p>My S has been awarded a Deans scholarship but has not received an invitation to the honors college? Does this make sense? We have heard great things about the honors college but are questioning this selection if he’s not part of the honors program.</p>

<p>@bobtwom, could you share the great things you have heard about the honors college with us? I am awarded that Dean’s scholarship too, and also not invited to the program. What are his scores by the way? Pardon me for my curiosity, I am just his age.</p>

<p>Last year, my daughter received her Dean’s scholarship offer in December, but did not receive her Honors College invitation until early April. When we had not heard anything about it by mid-March, I contacted the admissions person for our state and she told me it was coming, but the high number of applicants had slowed a lot of things down. We received the package about 3 weeks later, the same day a boy from our hometown received his.</p>