Honors College Invite!

This might be a dumb question but… If you get a merit scholarship (Presidential Scholarship) are you automatically in the Honors College? Nothing in the scholarship letter indicates Honors so I’m thinking “NO”. My son received his scholarship letter but has not received an Honors invite yet. Just waiting on that piece of the puzzle…

Remember, each individual school selects which students get into the honors college. So of course, for the honors college, engineering majors will have the toughest time.

@chris2 - that makes sense and son was accepted into engineering so might be pretty tough. Keeping fingers crossed!

@funtimes123 that’s very interesting. I was already accepted into Honors for an engineering major, but did not receive the Presidential Scholarship.

They are not tied together. They have different selection committees. Although some students do earn both honors college and a presidential scholarship, it is not uncommon to get one and not the other.

This was what I saw in last year’s threads, some got one or the other and some got both, and there didn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason for it based on the people who posted stats as the stats were relatively equal and great.

Still waiting on an Honors College invite. I got into Honors at UIUC, though. Hopefully, I get an invite from Purdue as well. Do they keep releasing invites till April?

@AGDC18‌, Check out CSmajorQ’s post above about the timing of Honor’s College offers.

@CSmajorQ - Where on the MyPurdue page would it be listed? Same area as decision letter?

@CSmajorQ - See post above - I’m referring to Honors invite

Can you accept the honors colleges without committing to Purdue? Still waiting on need-based aid.

@funtimes123 It is my understanding that the honors college invites can be sen on the MyPurdue site. If you are invited, you will see a line item added that says accept invitation to the honors college. You should also get an email that says you’ve been invited. It is not at the same place where you view your decision letter and merit scholarship offers. Those are on the “Check Application Status” site.

This morning I just received an email saying I’m invited to the Golden Honors Day at Purdue. However, I had not been notified I was admitted into the honors college previously. Does this mean I’m in the honors college at Purdue?

@tew3bud‌ I would assume so. I would check your MyPurdue to be sure.

Did anyone get a letter/package in the mail notifying that you’d been accepted into the Honors College? I haven’t, so I was just wondering if anyone else did.

@WriterReader no, I believe they just email you.

Question - Can someone give advice on not being in the Honors College? My son got a a scholarship (which we are very thankful for) but did not get invited into the Honors College which he really wanted. It’s almost a deal breaker for Purdue. He was most hoping for getting to stay in the Honors dorm. Other than the dorm is there much difference in being in honors compared to not being in honors. Should this be a deal breaker. He is also admitted to UT engineering & Plan 2 (honors). Waiting on a few more decisions. Any and all advice would be appreciated!!!

@GB1904‌ Thanks for answering!

@funtimes123 I can’t answer specific questions about the program, but I think you can apply for honors college once a student is there as well.

@funtimes123 I would personally prefer to get a scholarship rather than get into the Honors College. Besides, you can apply to get into the Honors College after a few semesters.