Honors College Notification

Does anyone know when the notification for the honors college comes out. I applied to the early one with the scholarships. I can’t find anything on any of their websites as to the notification date.

I looked back at posts from last year and it seems like they were notified around 4/1. People were complaining about how much later it was then most other schools.

Yeah that is really late especially considering the potential scholarships that could accompany it.

I called and was informed the latest would be by April 5th, but more likely to be in March.

My son was part of the “glitch” . he is applying regular decision. We Checked his online accunt on 12.22. Sure enough the honors decision was out there. He was accepted and there was no scholarship because they had all been distributed. I knew they messed up because he hasn’t received his decision yet. He applied really early so I figured they made a mistake. But to get the letter in December that all of the money had been given out was depressing. My other son attends Tech and received the exact same l letter last year so I printed it out. It gets better it took Tech awhile to communicate to those who had seen this notice. About three weeks later they rescinded the offer and Said we would have to wait and find out later. Pretty tacky. My husband figured they were probably advised to do that by an attorney. It will be interesting to see if he receives the same letter later. Makes me think that they make the decision around the same time they are reviewing the regular application.