Honors college question

<p>I got a letter today from OSU’s Fisher College of Business saying I was accepted as a pre-business student. Later I went on their website and saw that any student with “honors status” would gain admission as a business major. Is it the same thing to be in the honors college and have honors status at Fisher?</p>

<p>I got, I assume, the same letter. I believe in the middle of the page there a sentence that essentially says “if you are a honors student, you are directly admitted to Fisher”. If not, and I am making that up, I still nearly certain that if you are an honors student, you do not have to begin as pre-business like everyone else. I assume that the Fisher letter was sent to all students who applied to a business major, not just the honors students.</p>

<p>If you are an honors student and you applied as a business major, you are automatically accepted in Fisher. I’m an honors business major, btw.</p>