Honors College Statistics

<p>Anyone know if the students in the Honors College are tracked separately. Specifically, I’m wondering about Freshman Retention Rate and 4-year Graduation Rate. I would like to know if they’re better than the overall numbers for Alabama. I’ve email the Honors College contacts, but didn’t hear back from them. I know some other honors programs that DD is considering track their students separately (and as one might expect, the statistics were better for the honors students).</p>

<p>I was wondering about this too. Does anybody know anything?</p>

<p>I have seen reports, but not that stat. I don’t know if it’s tracked. Certainly, it would be safe to say that those in honors have a higher, probably much higher, retention and graduation rate. </p>

<p>Typically, those who don’t return at any school leave for the following reasons…bad grades due to depression, anxiety, too much socializing, poor discipline, financial issues, or other mental/physical health issues. . </p>