Honors college

<p>My DS applied to the Honors college, but hasn’t heard anything yet. (He has met the required GPA and SAT scores)
However, when he applied for housing, the University Honors Program box was checked and we couldn’t change that field. Does this mean he’s been accepted or is this box always checked? </p>

<p>Sounds like he was accepted.</p>

<p>Did you check his Crimson email acct? When did he apply? </p>

<p>You can call the HC and ask, but I don’t think anyone will be in the office today. The roads are closed (I think).</p>

<p>Often time the MyBama account is updated before the actual mailed acceptance is received. If he has the stats, he will be admitted. </p>

<p>He applied about 10 days ago. Probably not enough time to get a response from the college, but we noticed the checked box on the application. So the admittance is based solely on stats? He had to complete the essay and upload a resume. Are the spaces limited? </p>

<p>Are what spaces limited?</p>

<p>IF he has the stats, he’ll be accepted. He may already be accepted. When school is open (not sure it is today), call the HC. they can check to see if his app has been processed. </p>

<p>Ok. Thanks. I wasn’t sure how the essay and the resume factor into their decision and if they only took a certain number of qualified applicants. He’s very excited about the prospect of participating in the honors college. </p>

<p>I think that anyone who qualifies for the Honors College will get in. Bama tries to include many, many students in the Honors College. I think it’s just a different approach than some other colleges approach to Honors. </p>

<p>Just had him check his Bama email (we didn’t know there was one) and he’s in! He’s super excited!! Now to start the planning. Thanks everyone! </p>

<p>lol…oh yes. Everything will come thru Crimson email. I used to have my kids’ Crimson mail forwarded to me (a copy) so that I could be sure to see if there were any bill notifications or similar that they might not take care of in a timely manner.</p>


<p>How to get Crimson email forwarded to me - million $$ question :)</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, you go to Crimson Email and go to settings and you do it from there. I don’t think you can do it from an iPad.</p>

<p>That’s a great suggestion! I will try to do that since he seems to only check his personal emails when I remind him. The Bama emails will be the same. lol!</p>

<p>Congratulations to your S. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>You might as well get your son used to checking his Crimson email regularly. Almost everything will be communicated via email once he is a student. There will be university and professor communiqués that shouldn’t be missed. </p>