<p>I noticed on the website it mentions Anne Arundel hall in addition to Denton for non-Gems/Humanities students....anyone know stuff about this dorm? Vs. Denton?</p>
<p>It’s mostly sophomores…but every year, it seems like a few freshman get it. IMO, a much better location and nicer dorm, but you wouldn’t have the massive amount of freshmen that you’d have at Denton. somebodynew lived in Anne Arundel…he can give you lots more info…</p>
<p>my daughter is still waiting to hear from a few colleges. If she doesn’t get into her first choice, she will choose UMDCP. She has been admitted to honors/honors humanities at UMD. I am worried that if she waits too long, she won’t get into the Denton honors housing. Should we accept the UMD offer and pay the enrollment fee? If she does decide on another school, she could lose the enrollment fee from UMD and accept the other school’s offer. Any thoughts on this dilemma?</p>
<p>We paid the 200 last year. If I recall, and don’t quote me on it, but if you pay it and then decide by May you’re not goint they will reimburse the 200…call the Admissions office and they can tell you for sure. </p>
<p>For us we felt that the 200 was worth him not being put in a triple or quadruple. I believe everybody in honors, gemstone, scholars gets housing as long as they answer by the cut off date.(not true for the gen admits) However, that does not mean that they will get a double…the later you wait the lower you are on the list :eek:</p>
<p>I didn’t pay my enrollment fee until after I had received notice that I was getting B/K, so whenever that was (April?), and I still was in a double in Denton Hall. If your daughter was admitted to honors humanities and wants to live in Denton, she will have to specially request to be placed in Denton because she would probably be defaulted to Wicomico if she accepts HH.</p>
<p>thanks bulletandpima and somebody new–we may go ahead and do that. I’d hate for her to decide on MD and not get with the other freshmen honors. She may not to HH, just Honors…we’ll see.
thanks again–good luck to all!</p>
<p>Two years ago, D1 ended up in a (planned) triple in Denton. She and both of her roommates had confirmed only one or two days ahead of the deadline, at the end of April (due to late-responding other schools and making final decisions). It was certainly better than some of the guys who ended up in unplanned triples.</p>
<p>I wish I knew what the “cut-off” date was to still be placed in a double. We’re still waiting on the $$ end of things (merit/financial), for younger sister, since we’re OOS…</p>