Honors Gym - a joke, or is it legitimate?

<p>For GPA, yes it matters.. (unless ur applying to UCs)
to show off ur skills in particular subjects, NOT REALLY...
colleges would usually forgive a D in Gym, since its not academic</p>

<p>Gym does not mean you're physically fit! I was told if I joined the track team I would pass gym (don't have time for it in my schedule) so I throw shotput, and guess what, I just heave a great ball of metal 3 or 4 times a meet and I'm good. I don't even have to change. Gym is the biggest waste of time and should be eliminated from school curricula, unless it actually teaches something.</p>

<p>wait...so your gym curriculm just consists of shotput?</p>

<p>nvm, i get it now...that's messed up. you just had to do something in track for a year to get a credit for a whole semester of gym...</p>


<p>..then americans would get even fatter.</p>

<p>I'd take it if there was a GPA requirement to get into it just becuase the people in my gym class were, to put it nicely, not very bright or mature.</p>

<p>I don't like gym...I mean 2 semesters of gym didn't get me in shape at all. Don't get me wrong, I advocate physical fitness, but how gym is done here is a waste of time</p>

<p>Honors gym...no thanks.</p>

<p>"colleges would usually forgive a D in Gym, since its not academic"</p>

<p>A D in gym will tell adcoms either that:
1)You don't work well with others
2)You show no motivation towards improvement</p>

<p>Whether or not there are extenuating circumstances, the adcoms will think this, and it won't reflect well on you.
And writing an excuse about how your gym teacher hated you or something won't help either. You'll just sound unlikeable and whiny.</p>

<p>.·. A D in gym will dig you into a fairly deep hole. :)</p>

<p>I doubt a D in gym would do a lot of harm to you, but really, how hard is it to get an A in gym?..It's the easiest class IMO, but that might just be my school.</p>

<p>I got a D or was it a C in gym and I did harm. HYPMS usually recalculate your GPA and take out classes like gym. MIT does the same and calculates a math/ science GPA. UC recalculate too taking out gym and lifeskills and home ec and such</p>

<p>"..then americans would get even fatter."</p>

<p>I doubt it. Most gym classes don't actually consist of enough physical activity to even get up a working heart rate, nevermind build good exercise habits. This is why I said gym should be eliminated unless it is changed so that it actually teaches something.</p>

<p>We have a gym requirement for the last two years of high school instead of an actual class. I think it's 30 hours per year. It's a much better system, IMHO.</p>