honors housing question ...

<p>D got admitted to the honors program. Now, I know she needs to sign up through housing dept. for housing and then send the info to honors requesting honors housing. We went through this with my S a year and a half ago. However, he knew for sure that he wanted to attend UCF so we didn't worry about getting any deposit money back, etc. D's got UCF on a list of 3 school possibilites, but she can't make any decisions yet. Anyone know how this works with regards to paying that $250 if you decide not to go to UCF? I noticed that you can't sign up for housing on-line until mid-Dec. too. Right? </p>


<p>P.S. And here I thought UF's $25 fee was a rip-off. LOL</p>

<p>Two years ago my middle son didn’t pay the housing deposit until he had decided on UCF - fairly late in the process… He still got into the Towers Honors College housing.</p>

<p>We’re in the same boat as you (one of these days we’re going to have to get together) DS#3 has been accepted and invited to the Honors College (he needs to get his app. in - will do that over the Thanksgiving break) but is leaning towards UF if accepted there. So I’m not sure what we’re going to do about the housing department this year. It’s almost worth the $250(?) to have the peace of mind. Almost.</p>


Yeah, tell me about it. Not only are we talking that $250 for peace of mind … LOL, but GaTech, which she is also considering, has a $650. Aaargh! So, I essentially have the same query in their folder … geesh! Too bad we can’t get all this info at the same time, would be nice. I mean it’s great she knows about UCF and has that scholarship in hand, but she’s waiting for UF (Feb. 13, right?), and she’s waiting to see about President’s Scholarship for GaTech (semi-finalist, but still has to interview and find out about finalist … and then … yada, yada, yada … but we’re looking at March, I think for that if she does make finalist) So, we’re balancing all the housing balls in the air because we don’t want to count anything out, and at the same time not feel as though we got totally raked over the coals. And, yes … Mom2three … we do have a lot in common. LOL :)</p>


<p>Son didn’t apply for the Georgia Tech presidential, despite the invites to do so, because when I asked him how sure he was, on a scale of 0-100, that he wanted to go the math/science/computers/physics/engineering route, he was only at 65%. So he’s only looking at universities that will have strong programs in other areas as well. Good luck to your daughter - it’s an amazing award!</p>

<p>We’re just waiting on UF at this point. He hasn’t applied anywhere but UCF and UF, and doesn’t have much interest in doing so. (On the CC boards that makes us total losers, but, whatever…) We’d all be happy with either school, so I guess that’s OK. Given the economy, I’m on the fence as to how strongly to encourage him to take the $$ from UCF and be happy there. Right now I think that if he’s accepted to UF, that’s where he wants to go, but that could be because oldest brother bleeds orange and blue, and middle son, while VERY happy at UCF, doesn’t feel the need to “sell” it to my youngest.</p>

<p>As with all things 3rd boy, the main feeling when this is all done is that it will be DONE, for the last time, thank God.</p>

<p>I think when all is said and done, she’ll probably end up at UF … but she’s surprised me before. <g> She was impressed with GaTech, especially related to the PS because of the feel of “mentoring” that goes with it. And, she knows it’s a great engineering school, and she is confident engineering’s for her. Actually, that’s been the hold up about UCF in her eyes … she’s looking at chemical engineering and they don’t have that dept. She’d have to M.E., and her dad, who’s an engineer, is encouraging her to go to UF for engineering if she decides to stay in state. I blame him for her interest in GaTech; she didn’t want to look at the school because she’s nervous about big city Atlanta. Now she’s seriously considering it, and it’s TOO FAR AWAY for my happiness. LOL</g></p>

<p>darn that man!</p>


<p>I am a current UCF student, and you should definitely apply for the housing even if you’re not sure. Housing has been getting more competitive in the past few years, and you don’t want your student to end up off campus…</p>