Honors Housing Selection - No Roommates

<p>^^ We found that Roommate Finder needed a user friendly search feature. (Have your son take notes, wdaveo!) It would have been nice, for instance, to be able to search by rushing/not rushing, which was a question that wasn’t even asked but is relevant to many girls. Or to be able to search just the new profiles - there didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to where new ones ended up, so starting at the end didn’t necessarily work. It was better than nothing, but I think having a student work on improving it as part of Emerging Scholars or another research program is a fabulous idea!</p>

<p>Since some got rooms last night just a quick question for when my son goes next Thursday(4/19) - he is just looking for one open room in an honors suite (hope that is still possible next Thursday!). Will he be able to see what year the other people in the suite are? He is fine with potluck - I think he would just be more comfortable with freshman roommates.</p>

<p>When I looked last night at who was in the rooms that were not fill, you just got a name and email address. Unless you can tell via a Google search or some other method other than emailing the student and asking, I don’t know how you could tell what year that student is.</p>

<p>A quick Facebook search is all I can recommend. And seriously, as long as he has one other freshman I think a mix of grades is the way to go. Of course some frosh are responsible and fun, but nothing like suffering through a totally indulged slob to distract from your first semester studies. Perfect scenario is a room with an upperclassmen in your major… of course a quick FB search may not tell you all that.</p>

<p>Ditto AL34. Having a sophomore in the room can help the kids know the ropes more easily.</p>

<p>I don’t THINK we’ve heard any horror stories about room mates!</p>

<p>Δ someone hasn’t been paying attention!
There’s a reason for the current vacancy in DSs suite…</p>

<p>My S was wavering between a school closer to home and UA and after visiting UA there was no longer a choice - he wanted to go there. Unfortunately he signed up on April 9th which means he cannot choose a room until May 7th. I loved everything about UA but choosing housing is not one of them…my stomach is in knots for him. I don’t know if he can get a room in an honors dorm then and since he is a little shyer/engineering student I really want him in an environment that maybe he can find friends like himself. I also don’t like if he can’t get into honors his first year, he is no longer eligible in later years. Can anyone put my mind to rest that he MIGHT get into honors housing (no matter what the dorm) or should he be prepared to be in a non-honors room.</p>

<p>kjc - have him find someone (anyone!) to pull him in.</p>

<p>i would think that he will ba able to get an honors room (my daughter was a late chooser and she ended up fine).</p>

<p>you might call housing and see if they can put him in an honors room before his pick time. if that doesn’t work, call or email dean sharpe.</p>

<p>in any case, rooms will open up over time and i think you will be able to switch. it is a bit of a pain, but it generally works out.</p>

<p>for those complaining about room selection … this is a bit of a pain, but at another school i know of you can pick either a roomie or a building (top 3 choices), then they just assign you (and you find out in july). you will probably get your roomie, but not necessarily your choice of building. while the UA system is more trouble on your part, kids end up having some kind of a say in where they will live. remember, you are choosing between half a dozen great choices, ANY of the honors dorms is a great option for dorm living!</p>

<p>kjcphmom - my note from another post; DS had later May slot 2 years ago.</p>

<p>" - when DS was heading off to UA he had one of the last time slots, he did end up in non-honors, HOWEVER, as informed by the wonderful experts here we just kept checking back and were able to switch into honors when “someone switched, changed mind…” = opening available. It wasn’t the only opening to happen over the following weeks; as UA housing has indicated there are more honors suites now so don’t worry too much."</p>

<p>Also another friend’s son last year got offered an honors suite just before move-in weekend – note reason he didn’t have one before is he was wavering between two until late June. He ended up declining, decided he liked dorm he was going to be and had made friends with roommate in meantime. </p>

<p>So even if his time frame doesn’t have one, take anything there and switch into later opening. Have his top choices for non-honors.</p>

<p>From post #16 above:</p>



<p>Sounds like housing will try to help if he can’t get a honors room when his selection time rolls around.</p>

<p>I agree with the post about having the luxury of room selection even though it is a stressful event. We are very grateful for having had the opportunity for our D to choose from so many great options right down to the bedroom. Hang in there and it will all be worth it.</p>

<p>How do you get someone to “pull you in.” Do they have to do this when they sign up or can they add someone a day or two later if there is availability in their suite? S hasn’t been able to go on roommate finder yet as the system won’t let him on until Monday so we’re not sure how it works. Is that where you would try to find someone? S is a freshman, from the midwest (Milwaukee/Chicago area), computer science, honors program, quiet but funny once he feels comfortable…does he put this information out, or does he search for those who are already on the system. Any help would be appreciated.</p>

<p>I would recommend trying to find the FB page and begin looking there today. He can both post there and look for others to message. Once they reach an agreement to room together the other student could pull him in during their selection time. It involves providing a proxy code to the student doing the room assignment. It is a good idea to change the proxy code after room selection. He can also search the UA roommate finder once he is added. Good luck.</p>

<p>My son pulled all 3 of his roommates in, and I believe that all 3 of them had much later time slots. </p>

<p>There are a number of students posting that they “lost a roommate” or “have one more spot for a roommate” on the FB page. So go there and watch, or post that you are looking.</p>

<p>Yes, definately use the FB page, once your son is in any honors room he could change during the summer if he wanted (say, to move to a different building) but most students wind up staying put once they find roommates. He will have to give his proxy code to the prospective roommate and then be pulled in. As soon as his room is assigned, he should change his proxy code. The code is located on his account under housing and it is a simple change. Remember to choose roommates who are in honors, because your student must be in honors housing their first year in order to select honors housing in subsequent years</p>

<p>kjcpg…I sent you a PM.</p>