Honors Housing

My DD is accepted on the Presidential Scholarship and as part of the Honors College. We cannot get to UA to visit until early/mid-April. This means that she will likely decide at the wire where to attend. If we do not place a deposit until near May 1, will there still be space in Honors housing?

She needs to make friends with girls who are in the honors college, via social media or friend of a friend, with early dates to pick their room. Then those girls can “pull” her into the suite regardless of her deposit date.

My daughter will be living in Honors housing and will have an early date for room selection. She has not really started looking for roommates yet, but she is on the facebook group. She is not rushing, so she is hoping to find at least one roommate that is also not rushing.

@garland97 – my daughter is not interested in rushing. @2015pop – she knows no one in our area that is contemplating considering UA and she is not on facebook and refuses to join. I don’t necessarily see that as a bad thing but it does make life difficult in these situations. I will try to talk her into it, just for the present moment so that she can meet the other incoming freshmen where she applied.

In the end, it is up to her and I guess she is the one who needs to be willing to roll the dice.

My daughter found her roommates through UA Housing’s Roommate Finder tool. You don’t need to be rushing or on Facebook to use that. My D is a senior now, so I’m a bit out of touch with respect to on-campus housing, but I think the Roommate Finder still exists.

I was thinking that as well. Just wondering if the student can access Roommate Finder without making a deposit?

^^ No

You can make the $500 rooming and enrollment deposit now so that she can begin looking for roommates if UA is a serious contender. $275 of the $500 is refundable if she decides not to attend UA. Whether or not it is worth it to deposit now is a decision you have to make.

^^ That’s what we did; even though my daughter didn’t decide on UA until March, we made the deposit in October. But she had already visited (during junior year), we could afford to lose the deposit, getting into honors housing/suite style dorms was extremely important to her, and I figured there was at least a 50/50 chance she’d attend. A lot of factors go into that decision.

We didn’t visit until 3/31 of my son’s senior year, and he didn’t make his final decision until 4/15; he made both deposits that night.

It was a bit of a three-ring circus (chronicled here with much sturm und drang :D), but it all worked out … eventually … and for the best! He ended up in ‘Honors overflow’ housing and made a great group of friends.

If you decide to go that route, PM me when you hit your first snag, and I’ll try to help!

Honors housing fills up very quickly and if she is not pulled in to an earlier selection time by someone else there is a good chance it will be full. Good news is though that there are many other similar style dorms (Presidential, Riverside, Lakeside).

We paid end of January I think not knowing DS would attend. He got the very last four person suite in RCW. RCE was already full. He pulled in three suitemates who had later housing deposits. Now had he not had suitemates attached to him and didn’t care where he stayed, yes there were quite a few rooms left within some suites mostly in RCW.

My advice if paying later do NOT have your heart set on honors suite!