Honors Housing

Just to let y’all know, in case you didn’t, you have to submit a housing application as well as an honors application in order for the honors application to be complete.
Yup… that’s right. You do. Even if you aren’t sure about going to the school, where you want to live, or if you don’t have the funds.

Personally, I thought this was kind of a problem. I recognize it is my fault for 1) not reading carefully enough and 2) not starting my honors application until three days before the due date. That part is all my fault. I take full responsibility.

What I will /not/ take responsibility for, however, is the borderline rude response I received from TAMU after asking if it was still necessary if the applicant lives near the CS area. I also made it clear that I may not have the money to pay for a $50 application… or the time. The person that responded to me told me that many do not apply to the honors program because of a financial situation… I’m sorry, when was being an honors student about the money? I’m interested in honors because of the rigor of the program, not because I have the money to spend on a school I’m not even 100% sure I will attend. Which, if they took the time to review my application, they would know. I asked for help, not a handout, and the email I received was less than helpful.
I understand that I put myself in this situation, but after receiving that email? Not even interested in attending TAMU at ALL anymore.

I’ve already been accepted (academic admit) and I found this very troublesome. If you took the time to look at this, please be aware that if you still have yet to finish your application, which is due tomorrow, you have to submit a housing application too. Hope this helps someone, whether it’s now or in the future.

*If you still have yet to finish your HONORS application, I mean