Honors Housing

I’ve read some prior threads but current info always helps. A few questions:

We’ve just submitted enrollment and housing deposits, a little later than we should have. But school choices are still up in the air, so…

Is RCS all honors currently?
Assuming S18 would like RCS, and assuming he is going in to room selection “solo”, are we too late to find a single suite spot given the now late selection day he will be assigned?
Do NMF have a different dorm selection or can he select the ‘standard’ Honors dorm a la RCS?

Thanks for any current input. Hope the questions make sense.

We paid our housing deposit pretty late last year.

S found a suitemate through one of the various methods. Not sure which one of them had the better selection spot. S did the selection though (on day 3 I think?) and there was tons of room in RCS for pairs. Obviously a singleton would have even more options. The new dorm opening in the fall will probably mean even less competition for RCS.
RCS is all honors currently. There’s nothing special dorm-wise for a NMF. If they do Honors then they can pick from all the honors and non-honors dorms.

Very helpful @flatKansas . Thanks!

What constitutes as “late?” I thought we had until May 1st

@michigander1234 The students basically get assigned a timeslot to do their dorm selection based on the order in which they submitted their housing deposit. Past a certain date (not sure when… February?) you can still deposit but housing will assign you a room. So early deposit is important if your student wants to room with certain people, or wants an in-demand dorm or floor.

@michigander1234 as an example, last year my dd put her housing deposit in the first week of December. She was assigned a housing selection date right in the middle (the evening of the second day of selection). She was still able to get into the dorm she wanted but just not the exact floor she wanted. It actually worked out better in the long run!

@shelleyr25 @flatKansas okay, thanks for the info! I don’t think I’ll have my college decision until Feburary/March because I’m still waiting to visit some schools and hear about merit. Am I guaranteed honors housing if I’m in the honors college?

@michigander1234 Honors housing isn’t guaranteed. However many honors students choose other dorms for many reasons. I know there were open “beds” in RCS as of a few months ago, but I don’t know for sure if they were never assigned, or if someone changed their college plans after room selection.

@michigander1234 If you put your deposit in after 2/1 then housing will assign you your dorm. You will not participate in the housing selection. This works out fine for many people. You can still request to be in Honors housing and if they are able to place you there they will. There are honors students in all of the dorms if that makes a difference. Many people think that the honors dorms will be quieter and with less partying, keep in mind, that is not necessarily the case at all.