Honors Housing

<p>I got invited to the Honors program. Can anyone tell me about the Honors housing? How much better is it?</p>

<p>Also, since I got an invitation, does that mean I got admitted to the VTech too?</p>

<p>Even if you got an admission to University Honors, it isn’t a guarantee that you’re into VT. It’s a really really strong correlation, but not 100%. </p>

<p>I applied for the Housing program initially, but did not get in. I had an opportunity when a spot opened up just before the year started, but some complications came up and I declined. MISTAKE. The housing community is just that–a community. Various levels of students live in the dorms (in fact, you’re expected to stay in the program until you graduate) and the diversity of culture and major is great. Because the number of beds is so limited, the application process is competitive.</p>

<p>I had to write a personal statement, list references, and fill out a few other questions about what I’m expecting to contribute as well as gain from the community. The interview was fairly laid back and the general gist I got was that they’re looking for people who will build the community. If you’re going to keep your door closed and just use the building for help on homework and a nice place to stay, don’t waste your time or theirs.</p>

<p>Considering the general attitude toward on-campus living, especially by older students, there’s something to be said for the percentage of upperclassmen who remain in Hillcrest and Main Campbell.</p>

<p>The honors dorms are disgusting. They smell, their anti-social, the one is on a huge hill that is a pain to climb and away from everything. I suggest live in a normal dorm.</p>

<p>I just got approved for honors housing–can’t tell you how happy I am! I’ll post about it more if anyone wants to know or you can PM me. Can’t wait for the fall.</p>

<p>I’m worried about my honors application. I applied after the priority deadline due to conflicts caused by the blizzard. Does that mean I can’t get honors housing anymore?</p>

<p>Housing is independent of your application itself. If you get honors, you will be on a list for housing, but then they must invite you to apply for it.</p>

<p>I am invited to the Honors. I just applied after the priority Honors deadline which VT said is for housing and scholarship. I hope I can still get on the honors housing list.</p>

<p>You can still get on the list of those they’ll consider, but the upcoming weekend will determine a lot. Those students attending the weekend are most likely to get housing, as they have first choice. If those students attend a different school or choose other housing, more students (such as yourself) have a shot.</p>

<p>yeah I am applying to honors and was wondering if it is worth while to apply for honors housing. Is it worth it? Also, I know very few freshman can actually get into the honors dorms.</p>

<p>I’d say it’s definitely worth it. Dorms actually have a sense of community and housing costs are reduced. Jstyles knows nothing and was either kicked out, ignorant, or ■■■■■■■■.</p>

<p>hokagesama, are you sure housing costs are reduced? the rates are higher at least on the housing rates pages</p>

<p>Definitely applying for the honors college and housing. In this year’s application though, there are fields for the essays which are scrollable when filled up. I don’t think I have too much written for the essay, but since it’s going over the field limit, the bottom portion of my essay is cut off. Is the text-field limit there on purpose in place of a word limit?</p>

<p>D’s best friend is in her last, fourth year of honors housing. The dorms are nothing special but, as mentioned above, it’s a good community.</p>

<p>I’ll be perfectly honest… I’ve never been in hillcrest. But all it takes is one look at a campus map to see that it is far as hell from EVERYTHING. I personally would hate to live there because of how far it is from other dorms that your friends might live in, the dining halls, the classes, and the tennis courts. </p>

<p>The community aspect might be nice but since its all honors I would expect a large portion of the students to be that anti-social type. Obviously that is a stereotype but I would argue that the community thing isn’t all its cracked up to be. There is plenty enough “community” in a normal dorm.</p>

<p>In response to the “the dorms aren’t that nice” bit, that isn’t entirely true. For one, the East Ambler-Johnston residential college is opening up in the fall. Other than the potentially not that large rooms, it promises to be one of the nicest dorms on the East Coast. Hillcrest has a really welcoming feel to it in all that I have seen, and it has the major perk of being located above the honors staff offices. Main Campbell, the one with all of the rumored poor living conditions, is closing down in the fall to make way for East AJ. The honors community is well worth it and for some is the only reason they accept the admissions offer to Virginia Tech. The Honors community feels almost as though it is a small university within a large university and has much to offer to incoming freshmen.</p>

<p>When do we start hearing back from the honors program if we were already admitted to the school in february?</p>

<p>Sent from my Droid using CC App</p>

<p>Couldn’t have phrased what indecisive said any better, VT acceptance included.</p>

<p>Having lived in another dorm prior to Hillcrest, it really is a world of difference. Looking forward to moving into EAJ! </p>

<p>Yeah, not sure why I said housing costs were reduced. Sorry! Not sure about Honors admission status either; all I can say is that you’ll find out eventually. You might want to wait for people to post their status here before contacting Honors.</p>

<p>Any prospective students coming down for Freshman weekend?</p>

<p>Do they have any specific info during Freshman weekend for honors? Many schools do. Haven’t heard anything from VT about anything other than acceptance and honors application. DS got both and filled out application for honors and sent it in by deadline.</p>

<p>D is awaiting Financial aid and scholarship info packet and COA. Accepted into Honors but not sure enough of the cost yet to make the trip from upstate NY to visit. Any idea when they send out packages?</p>