Honors Housing

<p>Hi Eleanor…we are from upstate NY too and son is leaving with husband today to go visit VT tomorrow. We are also awaiting FA package and hoping for the Dean or Davenport Scholarship. Last year it looks like around April 4th or so… It seems like this whole process is taking forever.</p>

<p>Elanor500, You have already received acceptance to honors?</p>

<p>Just looked at the letter of acceptance again it talked about appling for honors because of her record. I miss spoke, confused with another college about honors acceptance. Sorry for the confusion. I know everyone is one edge waiting for information. GoGiantsfan thanks for the info April 4th seems a long wait, even though its only a little over 2 weeks. So many posts say don’t expect much merit or aid from VT. I hope there not correct. OOS is a bit more than we can pay.</p>

<p>They just renovate the honor housing. It will be the best dorm in Tech next year. Restaurants, classrooms, and gyms on the first floor!</p>

<p>GoGiantsfan, How did your son like VT? Did he see this new honors dorm? We are going down to take a look if it turns out to be affordable. Looking for some merit money and aid. They seem to take a long time after acceptance to send out their COA packets.</p>

<p>Just talked to VT today about where their COA and financial aid info is. They said that info has not been sent out yet and VT still needs 2 to 3 weeks before it will go out. I hope they get it out before the middle of April. May 1st comes quick if you have to compare offers from different colleges.</p>

<p>Eleanor500- Hi… he liked VT…but feels he might need to go back again on admitted students day to make a final decision. It has come down to three schools Uof Michigan, Purdue and VT. He did not see the honors dorm… I don’t even think he looked …although he sent in an application for honors I dont think he filled out the essays to be in the honors dorm…
We are awaiting the FA package for purdue and VT to make a choice. He really wants Michigan but their aid was terrible. I am hoping VT comes out early then they say with the FA packages as this waiting is killing me… I know that we got packages from 2 other colleges this week… and when I called them last week they said 1st week of April… so I am hoping VT is the same.<br>
I don’t think VT really gives out Merit awards unless you found a scholarship on their webpage you can apply to… My son did not fit anything of the criteria that was needed. Purdue gave him 10,000 a year merit… These last few weeks seem to be going so slow…ugh</p>

<p>Just waiting as well on VT. Do you or anyone else have an opinion on which of these schools is better for Civil or Mechanical Engineering. Clarkson University, Pitt, University at Buffalo. These schools have come back with offers in our price range.</p>

<p>My husband and brother are both civil engineers… Brother went to Uof Buffalo… solid school… Son got in there and we would not have to pay a dime… but he does not want to go there… ugh… don’t know about the other two… …</p>

<p>GoGiantsfan, Could you ask your husband or brother if they feel civil engineering jobs will be available for a women with a BS in civil or do they need a masters to get in the door? Free ride at UB! Congrats, that’s very impressive. D’s not thrilled w/UB as well. I think it’s the way they show their school during the tours. Kid that lead our engineering tour wasn’t the best example of an engineering student.</p>

<p>Eleanor - Husband owns his own civil engineering company in NY… and he has two women that work for him… As far as the civil side of it…he said a BS is only needed… Although he said if he had to do it all over again… he would not go into civil … the pay is better in other engineering fields…</p>

<p>Well still haven’t received financial info. Heading down to visit Lafayette College in PA. It’s said to be very nice and have a great undergraduate engineering program. VT is of interest to us but we are not sure what our cost would be. They said the info would be out middle of April, but I think we will have made a commitment by than. We just need to know the break down of scholarships, grants, loans, work study etc. I hope it comes in soon so we can at least consider VT. Seems like VT waiting that long could cost them some of the best students interested in engineering. Many of the kids with high stats will have gone elsewhere.</p>

<p>Eleanor - Talked to VT today … they said they are sending out the FA awards through the mail and everyone should have it within 7 to 10 days…
They are the last one we are waiting for too…</p>

<p>Thanks Gogiantsfan. That would get here in time. We are going down to your neck of the woods next week to check out Lafayette college. I hear it’s very good for undergraduate engineering. they came up with more than full tuition. We need to commit April 15 because D will be out of state in SC for the week following the 15th with the softball team.</p>

<p>I hear you… We told our son he has to decide by April 13th… we leave on the 14th for Aruba for Spring Break and dont want to bring the stress down there… Good luck with Lafayette. It will be great if she picks a school that will give you good money…
My son like the big University, with the big sports programs… etc… He got a full ride to SUNY Buffalo and turning it down…:frowning: but he has to go where he will be happy…
This next week is going to go by so slow…</p>

<p>Son received Honors acceptance via email this afternoon - also invited to live in Honors housing - yah!</p>

<p>Congrats! Honors is a great family and honors housing is even better. As someone who wasn’t always in it, I think I may appreciate it more than those who came in with it. Either way, I’m sure he’ll get a much better experience by staying with honors.</p>