Honors invitation = Acceptance?

<p>Okay, so today i recieved a letter to apply for the university honors program based on my "academic excellence". In the letter it says this does not neccesarily mean you have been accepted to the college, but is it a good sign that you likely have? Do they just send this to everyone, or is it only to highly competitive students? Should i take this like a likely letter? Any input is appreciated.</p>

<p>I'd say your in. Admissions was the one that forwarded your application to the honors program, and I think they must have said yes if they were to consider you for the honors program.</p>

<p>Thats wat i was thinking...anyone else agree?</p>

<p>My son got the same letter today, and we also figured that means he will be accepted. Why would they ask you to apply for honors if you weren't going to be admitted.</p>

<p>A related question: If you're majoring in engineering, wouldn't honors be an extra burden? Although we did like the looks of the honors dorm when we visited the campus.</p>

<p>That depends on if you consider the perks to be worthwhile or not. If your considering something like graduate school, I guess the honors program could be great because it helps the students get to know their professors better. Also I believe they get first choice on classes.</p>

<p>For those who have received these letters: when did you send out your applications?</p>

<p>i sent in my app mid november and just received that letter. Goheels, what were your son's stats like?</p>

<p>He applied in October regular decision. Stats are excellent. He now says he wants to stay in-state and go to NCSU.</p>

<p>Getting the Honors invite should mean you are in. But see if you get accepted to Honors before getting your acceptance to Tech...that's what happened to my D last year!</p>

<p>So the conclusion is, this definately does not happen to everyone? this is like definately a good indication that you are very competitive for tech?</p>

<p>On the school's website, it says that you are sent an honors application if you either:</p>

<p>a) have a 3.50+ GPA and 1400+ SAT (Math+Verbal)
b) have a 3.70+ GPA and 1300+ SAT (Math+Verbal)</p>

<p>you got a link for that? they must use weighted gpa cuz my weighted is definately not above 3.7</p>

<p>At the open house, the rep. from the honors program said due to the time frame, they have to send out their stuff before the acceptance letters go out (but they can't say you have been accepted until the letters go out from Admissions) so it is probably a very good sign if you get the invite to honors program. And yes, it did sound like a LOT of work especially if you are going to do the engineering program. Tech has been scratched from son's list so he isn't going to bother to fill out the application for the honors program.</p>

<p>i sent my appl to tech like the last week of december, but i haven't received a honors program invitation.
my gpa= 3.9
act= 30</p>

<p>does this mean i didnt get invited at all? or is it because they havent reviewed my appl yet since i sent it in at the end of december, as opposed to like oct/nov??</p>

<p>also, how do you receive the invitation? via email or mail?</p>

<p>They probably havent reviewed it yet, cuz my scores are equal to yours except a slightly lesser gpa, (assuming its weighted). So ya, your probably fine</p>

<p>As I recollect, it was an actual letter for Honors. And they probably just didn't get your info yet since you look like a shoo-in for the Honors Program.</p>

<p>Via mail. You should get one because of your stats. But as someone said, you can always apply anyway. A friend of D didn't get one but applied and got into Honors.</p>

<p>When do you apply, if an invitation wasn't sent? If there a deadline? </p>

<p>VT isn't really my #1 choice, but if I do decide to go there, I would like to get into Honors.</p>

<p>deadline is february 15th but I thought it was invitation only, maybe not. So you should probably call and ask why you werent invited, but again, its probably just cuz your application hasnt been reviewed yet.</p>