Honors program at Texas A&M

Two of my four were part of UH. All four will be part of department honors if my last gets it in the next few weeks. Your pro/con list above is correct for UH.

Personal opinion, UH is a good challenge for those kids that enjoy or need goals to help them progress. I am not aware of any business or graduate school that will refuse someone because they do not have Honors on their diploma. But, I am aware of very elite jobs and elite graduate schools that may use Honors as a way to decide between two people should all other things be equal.

I feel joining UH should be secondary to department honors, not first or only choice. UH can mostly be obtained by participating in department honors with a few UH specific tasks. UH housing is not the most ideal, again my opinion, unless your child is going potluck anyway then there is no difference. Because UH is a mixture of majors there is no common link among the students other than their LLC small group. From what I saw, which is a limited view, most kids found their friends in connection to their roommate, classrooms, past friends, or an organization in which there was common thread. The UH small groups seemed to become tiresome and part of a requirement simply to be granted early registration.

I do believe UH has value. I do believe there are many kids that find satisfaction and confidence from participating in such prestigious programs. The last thing I wish to do is push someone away from joining, but after two kids and experience we determined department honors or none would be best for my last two kids.


@tmclanton that would be a great question to ask, or Google maybe? I know some students/families think it is a must. UH doesnā€™t have the UT Plan II honors reputation.
UH would be good for the G/T type student who comes to A&M not knowing anyone, it provides a much smaller atmosphere, instant ā€˜groupā€™ to belong to. It could be ideal for very smart, driven international students, also. There is great potential in the UH program, but parts of it really drop the ball.

@MackAg agree with everything you said!

This was definitely true during the '19-'20 admissions cycle when they still had academic admits (top 25%/1360 SAT), but now that they have done away with academic admits, Iā€™m not sure this is still true. It was a matter of slots fillng up, whether auto-admit or academic-admit, before they got to review admits. Donā€™t know how thatā€™s gone this year.

@franknd you could be right, tho I suspect the bulk are still Top 10%.

I had written the housing department that deals with LLCs about the question on what happens if they are not accepted into the LLC. (I had heard that they got moved to the end of the line for housing). This was their response:
ā€œ Thanks for your note. If you student applies for University Honors, then those acceptance will be done in early May. If your student is not accepted into that program, then he will be notified an put back in line (based on when he applied) to the next available time slot to pick his space. We have included University Honors to this response
Thank youā€

So, when does Phase 4 open up? Is it before or after the early May Honors decision? If Phase 4 does open before the final decisions come out for UH, then that could impact their housing selection.

@tmclanton UH website says decisions by March 31, Iā€™m next to certain. Waiting until May is too late. Not sure what the dates will be this year, but in 2019, my student had 1st day selection, which was May 8.
I donā€™t think UH and LLC/ResLife communicate with each otherā€¦

@tmclanton look at this link, scroll down to ā€˜What is the timelineā€™


I do remember hearing the March 31 date. However, according to the website is says, ā€œ We will contact applicants by the end of March to give the status of your application. If you are waitlisted, you may not hear a final status until after May 1.ā€.
I guess that is where the May date comes in. My son has decided against UH, so it is a moot point for us. Just wanted to post what their response was so that other people know!

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@tmclanton not sure why on earth it would take UH even until the end of March, then another deadline by May 1 for Wait List? Good grief. Offer UH to those that applied, by March 31; give them a week deadline to accept/decline, then offer Wait List. They couldā€™ve easily been sending out acceptances already.
Again, UH just seems to ā€˜do their own thingā€™, not really team players. They are totally messing with kids who applied to UH, banking on living in Lechner/McFadden. High chance many that donā€™t get UH, didnā€™t pay Housing fee ASAP, so theyā€™re toast.
Iā€™d love to see some numbers-how many apply/how many accepted/retention rate/how many apply after freshman year, etc. Havenā€™t found numbers anywhere.

From what Iā€™ve read on this thread, business honors seems highly selective. Does anyone know if the same is true for engineering honors?

@veritas02 i have a Business Honors student, so I donā€™t know much about EH. My student has an EH roommate and several EH friends. They enjoy the program.
BH is unique because it is a very small program, and a stand alone major. Mays is a much smaller college than Eng, also. Transfer students canā€™t apply to BH-can only get in freshman year.
Given the competitiveness of students applying to A&M, Engineering specifically, Iā€™m sure it is selective to get accepted.
Hereā€™s a link that gives some EH details-

I completed my application for engineering honors on 2/23 and have not heard back yet, despite the fact that a lot of people got decisions around 4 or 5 days ago. Should I be worried yet or not?

Decisions for EH just started rolling out this past Friday. Many of them applied in October or November last year and they are just hearing decisions now. I wouldnā€™t be too worried, especially if you applied in the last the last week of Feb. Good Luck!

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Can anyone weigh in on whether their student has been accepted yet for University Honors, not inquiring about engineering or business, but just ā€œregularā€ University Honors. And is that the same things as ā€œLaunchā€?

did UH results come out? Any idea whether UTD CV honors is a good one.

@pp72 UH supposed to start sending out notifications March 31. According to chatter on Facebook, last year many didnā€™t find out until very late April-into May. Thatā€™s ridiculous. The program isnā€™t that large.
I continue to be UNDERwhelmed by UHā€¦
(College/Major Honors programs way better, IMO)

University Honors students are required to attend academic and social events each semester and maintain an active membership in the Honors Student Council (this is optional for other honors students). My son didnā€™t like all the events he had to attend so just kept Engineering Honors, and maintained his Honors Student Council even though he didnā€™t have to. I believe he said there were scholarship opportunities for UH kids freshman year, you donā€™t get that with engineering. I think there may have been a trip abroad as an optional thing the summer before school started freshman year for UH but that wouldnā€™t be happening this year anyways. Most of the engineering department scholarships are reserved for kids after ETAM. Priority pre-registration is a big benefit of honorā€™s programs and my son got into a lot of classes easily that his non-honors friends did not. Or I should say that he got into the section he wanted with the teacher he wanted of a particular class. If you check the grade distributions of classes you will find that some teachers are much better than others. @tmclanton My son also had priority pre-registration because of disability services and it was still an advantage to keep up his engineering honorā€™s membership because that basically got him two tickets for the first day of pre-registration and they gave him the best time of the two. One additional advantage to be registered with disability services is that you get the entire time of pre-registration to schedule your classes; honorā€™s students will get a first day ticket which will last something like 48 hours. Many classes will pop up in that registration window and by the end sometimes you will have teachers assigned so that is a big advantage.


My son got an email saying he is alternate and will release the results by mid may. His friend did not get any email (accept/alternate/reject) weird! What can we find the catalog for University honors courses? I cannot find it on the honors page.
Any one else got accepted or rejected email today?

He got an email for waitlisted but his friend did not get any. His friend wants to know if that means he got accepted or rejected? (waitlist means he should have heard the same time as my son). Any idea?