Honors program at Texas A&M

If he’s claiming AP credit for English (which I totally would), He will need to add 2 classes to his freshman fall semester. I would suggest something easy like a creative arts and possibly speech unless he wants tech writing (do that later though since ton of work- but no exams).

Then there’s also his pols, history, etc.

He already fulfills ICD thru AP Human Geography. 3 in Creative Arts and 3 in Gov/PolSc is the deficit. As per @MackAg I checked and there seems to be a HORT 203 in Creative Arts…

Odd, I just posted this before your initial post…

FWIW, if someone needs a creative art class and a cultural diversity class, my son and his roommate really enjoyed PERF 301 (online version) and it was an easy A. Roommate took it as a freshman, even though it says for juniors/seniors.


I was go thru the list of courses in Creative Arts…so many courses. He has to pick one for sure, so he will surely pick of his choice. Wish there was a course just for playing music, he loves playing Saxophone and part of his school Wind Symphony group. But nothing there, all seems to be History of Music etc…

Looking at POLS 207 (State and Local Government) also, this will surely help with getting credit for UCC also…but ETAM process just scares the hell out and not sure how much will be the load for POLS 207.

@akkiadi if he can get in, History of Rock & Roll is super popular! Everyone loves it.

@Eggscapgoats, I checked after reading your comment, and it did mention it’s for juniors/seniors but others can take with instructor approval…so PERF 301 comes part of the list now :slight_smile:

If you are concerned about ETAM (as we were last year), play it safe and only have him take 12-13 credits a semester.

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This is the situation I believe many Honor’s kids will find themselves. What class do I take when I have nothing to take due to credits? Or there is no quality class remaining to take because I’m last in line as a first-semester Freshman?

*edited post to not cause confusion with AP credit and pass/fail credit (ty @pbleigh)

My kids corrected me. HORT 335. Junior classification. So, if anybody’s kid makes it to their Junior year and needs a Social & Behavioral Sciences and ICD.

HORT 335 Sociohorticulture
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours.
Horticulture as it relates to humans through people-plant interactions; use of horticulture to improve quality of life; awareness and appreciation of the economic, environmental, social and health benefits of plants.
Prerequisite: Junior classification.

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Will he audition for the symphonic band? If my son was to attend TAMU, he would be auditioning. I hear it’s very good and the instruction is very good. There are All State level kids playing in the top ensemble. I’d definitely check it out if he wants to continue playing his instrument. And, there may be creative arts credit available. I’m not going to do the research, but you could find it on the website.

This class fills up fast because it’s so easy. Freshmen and sophomores are hard pressed to get it. My son tried for 4 semesters and gave up. My friends daughter didn’t get it til fall her senior year.

Pols mainly consists of 3 or 4 exams and maybe a paper. It’s not a tough class conceptually. Just a memory class and if you like government, it can be fun as well with the right prof.

Engr 181H will not qualify for a credit for Dean’s List because it is a Pass/Fail class so if you are trying to get 15 you will need another (My older son made this mistake). PE if taken for a grade will count but not if it is also taken Pass/Fail.

My son did take his AP credits for Calculus and Physics and does not regret it, although I will say that taking Calc 3 and Differential Equations his freshman year was stressful. I think most kids in the same situation definitely take the Physics credit but retake Calc 1 (Math 151) but take their AP credit for Calc 2 (Math 152) and go into Calc 3 (Math 251) which is considered a much easier class then Math 152.

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Quality information and follow up!

I had checked, you get credit for Music 280 but does not satisfy credit under Creative Arts for UCC.

He is interested in playing his instrument, still considering it.

@akkiadi if he plays saxophone, he should look into the Hullabaloo Band-they play for volleyball and basketball games.

@52AG82 Thanks for sharing this info, sounds exciting, I am sure he will be interested.

Will this also get Hullabaloo Dorm :wink: We paid housing deposit on 2/27, wish had paid on 9/22. TAMU was #3 in our list initially and with him getting into EH and into E2M program also, TAMU became the obvious choice…

@akkiadi Hullabaloo Band super fun, not a huge time commitment.
Unfortunately it will not get him into Hullabaloo Hall, good thinking tho! 2/27? Eeek. He’ll just have to take whatever is open, won’t have a lot to choose from-being honest. Tho, beds will open up in Hullabaloo, after his selection time, but he will have to check often and be FAST when one does open. That’s assuming he doesn’t have a roommate. A total empty room won’t ever open up.
If he can match/find a roommate soon, with a 9/21-22 (whatever the 1st date was) deposit, that roomie can pull him up.

it’s 2/27 and not 9/27…2/27 will surely get him a bed…

@akkiadi i saw that & edited