Honors program at Texas A&M

I will give a different viewpoint on this. My son did not take credit for 151 or 206/216 and made As in those classes. "A"s can be hard to come by, so it was worth it for him to repeat the material and get a good grade. Just a thought, if a high GPA for ETAM is on your mind.

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Yes, I think our freshman friend found a spot last minute or during the first week of classes. Not sure how my soph son snagged a spot - he is so lax when it comes to registering!

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A senior engineering friend played french horn all four years in the Symphonic Band (or Winds?) and loved it. Was able to see many of those concerts at one of the Rudder Theatres - truly amazing! Have your son keep a look out for those concerts. Also, the Music and Band Department has a brand new, huge building with study areas. Really impressive!!

Reading about some of these classes makes me want to go back to college.

Around April 1, my daughter was notified that she is an “alternate” for University Honors. She has not heard anything since then. Is anyone else in this category, and have you heard any follow-up?

@EagleMomma you’d better try to follow up with UH, especially since dorm selection is quickly approaching.

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@EagleMomma curious if you ever heard from UH?

My daughter decided to room with a friend, and not in UH; so she said she withdrew herself from the UH waitlist. (she was also selected for Liberal Arts honors, so she was ok with opting out of UH)


@EagleMomma great to hear! She won’t regret UH, at all! Congrats on Liberal Arts Honors!

Question: does getting into engineering honors usually come with a scholarship? My daughter’s portal says award pending after being admitted to eng. honors, but not sure if that is what they are referring to. TIA.

@Laura18 have her click and accept it, it’ll show details.

@Laura18 , after that same question was asked the other week (in another other thread?), I had my daughter log into her Engineering Honors portal to take another look. The “award” that it’s referring to is the “award” of being offered Engineering Honors. We clicked around to double-check we weren’t missing something. Kinda silly wording, but apparently that’s all there is.


thanks, I was afraid of that.

My son really wanted to get in to BH, too. He is top 1% of his class, National Merit - Commended, an Eagle Scout, and has so many other credits to his name, yet did not get in to Nays Business Honors for starting school in the fall, 2023. He is hoping he can reapply in December, but yes, we were surprised he didn’t get in. I know the competition is so stiff, though. I think it’s more like Valedictorian plus National Merit and leadership traits now and only that. Did your son ever get in last year? If so, share any tips, please. Thanks!

@tk4mrag my Aggie BHer graduates this weekend.
We know at least 2 kids who will be starting BH this fall. Neither are NMF (I think one is Commended, both have VERY high scores), but they are top of their class, extremely well rounded and have loads of leadership & awards. One is an entrepreneur, both athletes. One from a small private school, the other from a rural high school.
I will say, Mays prefers AP or DC, and coming in with an ‘associates degree’ doesn’t impress Mays
at all.

There isn’t a ‘check the box’ for BH, but the BH staff knows exactly what they’re looking for.
I’ve heard 3,000+ applied for BH this year, with 85ish getting accepted. The numbers keep rising every year. They are looking for students who can easily maintain a near perfect gpa, while being highly involved on campus, especially in the area of leadership. I am BLOWN AWAY by the students in my Aggie’s BH cohort - Student athletes (winning SEC awards), Student Body President, head of MSC, Corps Commandant, sorority & fraternity presidents, and so much more.

Yes, there’s one more opportunity to apply in December. Usually 8-10 are accepted. Student will need a 4.0, active in several clubs & orgs on campus, and even then he may not even get an interview.

Here’s the thing about A&M
EVERYTHING is competitive. Everyone is smart
especially in Mays.
It’s a huge eye opener, and can be a tough pill to swallow.

Good news is, BH or not, there are soooo many ways to be involved in Mays! Orgs, other super competitive programs, study abroads, volunteering and more! Be sure your student is on Instagram. Suggest following BSC (Business Student Council), Mays, and MSC Open House. The Open House is where every org on campus has a booth or table, students learn about getting involved. Again, most clubs & orgs are competitive, so he may need to apply to many.

The Aggie Moms/Dads of Mays page highlights many of the Mays specific events & orgs, also. Hopefully you’ve joined that FB page.

BH is a fantastic program, no doubt! But super competitive. Promise there are many other equally great Mays programs.

Be sure to send him to A&M with a suit

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