Honors Program Notification

<p>Hahaha, good luck to both of y’all</p>

<p>From our experience with TAMU, if it says March 1, it will be today. It may be late, but it will be before midnight. As for the confusion about priority registration, incoming Honors Freshmen do not register until their NSC. Then they can get priority registration for second semester classes. By the date of the first NSC, all the Honors and non-Honors upperclassmen have already registered, so it will be too late for “priority”.</p>

<p>Still waiting… :)</p>

<p>Oh, no! I hope this won’t be the time TAMU misses a deadline!</p>

<p>We’re all going to be checking our emails every minute from now until midnight :stuck_out_tongue: hopefully we’ll find out sooner than later!</p>

<p>lol…we will have a case of OCD for the rest of the night. I wonder if they do this on purpose to send the e-mails so late…if so, that’s pretty evil. :(</p>

<p>Would they do that? I highly doubt that they would send emails at 11 at night…Then again… I may be wrong.</p>

<p>maybe this is a test, they are watching to see who actually really cares about the honors program… if so I think most of us have passed with flying colors (wow I feel so old saying that)</p>

<p>It is an educational institution and from my experiences, and I’m sure many others, 11pm is right around the most productive time when it comes to large projects nearing a deadline :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe they’re just now shifting into overdrive?</p>

<p>Haha I sure hope so :)</p>

<p>Well, they have no way of knowing who cares about the honors programs. Besides, the decisions have already been made…they just gotta tell us. I think that they pre program the e-mails to be sent out at a certain time…</p>

<p>Well yea… but WHYYYY??? Why make us more stressed than we already are??? haha</p>

<p>LOL…because they take pleasure in knowing that we are suffering! The agony is too much!..it better be worth it!</p>

<p>AHH True true… well… they got 52 minutes or so.</p>

<p>I will be glued to the computer like my life depends on it for those 52 minutes…51…50…</p>

<p>You and I both</p>

<p>I hope we find out before midnight… I don’t want to go through another day of checking my email anxiously every 2 minutes!</p>

<p>Anyone got anything yet?</p>

<p>I wish I had to power to patiently go sleep and wait for tomorrow, wake up, check my e-mail, and there the notification will be! Instead, I refresh my e-mail every 15 seconds for like 4 hours. omg…</p>

<p>Lol. Me Too!</p>


Still nothing. This is ridiculous.
EDIT: Okay, I’m really, really sorry for that.</p>