Honors Program Notification

<p>Cool, Barfly! My son was at the end of the first floor by the “student lounge”, and across from an RA to another dorm office, under the 2nd floor study room. We joked that it was the quietest dorm room in existence, and no one knew it was even down there. They loved it!</p>

<p>Mine was at the other end, to the right after going in the front door at the end of the hall. Next to storage rooms! Soooo quiet!</p>

<p>That’s so cool that you have another in Honor dorm!
We just got an email that said he didn’t make the program, but he can participate in honors if there is room…we’ll read the fine print later. My son is a commended scholar, top 5%, Eagle Scout…some tough competition out there!
c’est la vie…Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Only 400 out of over 1850 were accepted?? Okay, now I’m freaking out…my stats might not be good enough. Congrats to your son, Barfly! That’s awesome!</p>

<p>Just got the email and I didn’t make it :confused: I assume most of the people were national merit, which I dont necessarily agree with but I’m not going to argue it. Oh well congrats to the people that made it in. Hopefully I didn’t screw myself by putting honors as 2 of my housing choices back in October. :(.</p>

<p>I was top 6% (in arguably one of the most competitive schools in Texas) 1400 SAT (without writing) AP scholar with honor, NHS, NTHS, band, going to state for the second time with skills USA this year…</p>

<p>Bumzo1, I think you may be able to change your housing preferences…I’m looking into that now.</p>

<p>I didn’t make it either :frowning: It’s disappointing… but I plan to apply again for my spring semester as a freshman. Congrats to all those who made it!</p>

<p>Bumzo, I’m sorry you didn’t get in for fall, but you can definitely apply again! Also, I think you can switch dorm preference at any time and keep your original priority date.</p>

<p>Ok hopefully that’s true. I guess I’ll have I do that this weekend.</p>

<p>Just found out my son was wait listed for Honors. We did not select the Honors dorm as a preference because we did not want to presume he would be selected. Since he is definitely going to A&M in the Fall, should I go back to housing and change one of his three choices to McFadden/Lechner?</p>

<p>If I am not mistaken, if you are accepted into Honors, you are required to stay in Lechner/McFadden, so it would not be necessary to do that.</p>

<p>Thank you! That makes sense to me. He listed three dorms on the south side of campus, and if he is not able to get off the wait list for Fall, I would prefer he stay on the south side where the majority of Freshmen are housed.</p>

<p>The email my S got said if he hasn’t already selected Honors housing, he should do that immediately. So I think you have a chance to change it when you get into Honors. Also, there are a lot of new requirements for Honors outlined in the acceptance email, like a freshman required class, so I suspect there will be kids who decide Honors isn’t for them, making room for the wait listed students. Also, if they only accepted 400, won’t the 2 freshmen Honors dorms have lots of vacancies? I think each dorm houses well over 200 students!? I think it makes sense for anyone who didn’t get in to make an appointment with an Honors advisor to ask what the student can do to have a better chance next year. That will show interest and maybe move you up the list for this year!</p>

<p>Oops. I looked it up and there are only 435 spaces between the 2 freshmen Honors dorms. So I guess it makes sense that they accepted 400 freshmen into Honors.</p>

<p>So Barfly, do you think I should go in and change his number one dorm preference to Honors housing this weekend or wait until we find out if he gets off the wait list? And congrats to your son!!</p>

<p>So it seems that being accepted into Honors off the waitlist has everything to do with a space opening up in the Honors dorm. I would assume if you are accepted, they will give you the opportunity to change your housing preference.</p>

<p>I would keep all the Southside dorms on your preference because I think those are the most popular.</p>

<p>Well, still no email! It would be nice to know whether or not DD made it.</p>

<p>Woo hoo! Son accepted to Honors. Some stats to help others. National Merit Commended, National Hispanic Scholar, 1440 SAT (Math/CR), ECs include Baseball, volunteer asst. math teacher at Private School, church activities, and work. About 30 hours of Dual Credit. 4.0 GPA UW–4.35 GPA. School does not rank.</p>

<p>Now I’m nervous. DS was top 3%, national merit commended and 1510/2130 on SAT. Now not so sure. I guess we will know when he get’s home</p>

<p>My daughter received the email and she is was accepted! She’s thrilled and I am relieved.</p>