Honors Program Notification

<p>When do we found out if we got into the Honors Program? I don't remember exactly when I got the Honors application invite but it has to be over a month ago now I'd think. I haven't heard anything related to when they'll notify us. Have you guys heard anything?</p>

<p>Their dealine for notification is April 15. This is mostly because, they were still sending invites in March. Basically, whenever they reviewed your application is when you get invited. I called 2 weeks ago and they still hadn’t reviewed my app that I had sent in during early October. Of course, I was accepted, and sent my honors app in a week and a half ago. I would love for more insight from other students though. I know last year a friend of mine knew they were accepted to honors housing before decisions even came out. I really would like to live in East AJ Honors Residential College. I’m still waiting on a couple reach schools, but I am 80% sure I am attending VaTech regardless of Honors, although it is a big part of the decision. I just don’t want to miss out on other housing opportunities if I don’t get honors housing…</p>

<p>I’m 99.9 percent sure attending UVA, but I first want to see if tech gives me any scholarship that goes with being accepted into the honors program.</p>

<p>They sent out e-mails today. I was accepted to honors housing! woohoo!</p>

<p>I was accepted to University Honors, but not honors housing. Makes sense since I put some random essay in the communities spot. I’ll still be attending UVA.</p>

<p>Wahoos are lame! I quite enjoyed saying no to them when they accepted me!</p>

<p>Sorry Fermat but I have to disagree with you. Yes my D was waitlisted at UVA and had to “settle” for Tech (we were in the same frame of mind as you then). And she majored in English (gasp!). She received a great education, classes were small led by terrific teachers. She got a great internship with Senator Jim Webb of Virginia (who to his credit prides himself on hiring interns in state) and now works for him as a Legislative Correspondent. So yes, UVA is more “prestigious” but my son who is there still has to fight for the classes he wants and other inconveniences of public universities (and the food is awful while it’s first class at Tech). The upshot is if you are a good student you will have success at any school.</p>

<p>guillaume, Fermat has been accepted to USC and JHU also and seems to feel he has to “settle” for not only possibly Virginia Tech but also probably will end up “settling” for UVa. Both are great schools and don’t seem to involve much “settling” at all. I think he underestimates how many strong students there are at both UVa and Virginia Tech. I have the opposite of you-older son at UVa and now younger son at Virginia Tech. We have been very pleased with both experiences.</p>

<p>Fermat, from what I take from your posts, I honestly feel UVA will be a great fit for you academically and socially, but especially socially. Trust me, you won’t be “settling” and don’t waste another minute speculating on where to go. VT truly wouldn’t be a good place for you and had those VT callers read your threads, they would quickly understand that as well.</p>