Honors program requirements :(

<p>I posted this on the UF board, and they told me to post it here too, so I'd appreciate it if i could get some help. :)</p>

<p>On the UF Honors program website, it says the minimum SAT score is 2070 OR 33 ACT. Unfortunately, my highest score is a 2060 and 32. I've already been accepted to the Honors program at FSU and USF, and will most likely get into the Honors program at University of Miami.</p>

<p>My question is: will it be better to go to UF normally or to the Honors programs at the other schools?</p>

<p>I plan on majoring in either History or Geography and the kind of career that I want to pursue will require graduate school, if that helps any.</p>

<p>I really wanted to be in the Honors program at whatever college I go to, and I don't really have strong loyalties to any one college. I know there is lateral admission into the honors program at UF, but I'm not sure I would be able to get in with that.</p>

<p>Don’t count on getting into Miami’s program for sure. Here are the requirements:</p>

<p>Incoming Freshman:
Invitations to General Honors are typically extended to the entering class on the basis of their outstanding scholastic achievements in high school and their high scores on the college entrance examination.</p>

<p>*The University of Miami Honors Program takes the initiative to invite the top 10% of the entering freshman class to join the General Honors Program. A minimum SAT of 1360 or ACT of 31 or better and ranked in the top 5% of your high school graduating class is required. On receipt of an invitation, there is no further action required on the part of the student. General Honors students must earn a grade of ‘B’ or better in any University of Miami course taken for Honors credit in order to satisfy the 24 Honors credits required for graduation with General Honors.</p>

<h2>*Note that minimum criteria are guidelines and that students meeting them are not guaranteed entrance into the General Honors Program. </h2>

<p>While you do have above a 31 ACT you also have to be top 5% of your HS class. </p>


<p>Your scores also need to be in the top 10% of all entering freshmen at Miami.</p>

<p>Good Luck to you in your search and I hope you find a good fit for you.</p>

<p>Kind of weird that you posted this here… but I would also suggest that you’re not guaranteed to get into the UM Honors Program. Also, keep in mind that most schools allow you to apply for entrance into their honors program post-matriculation if you do well enough in your first semester.</p>

<p>"I’ve already been accepted to the Honors program at FSU and USF, and will most likely get into the Honors program at University of Miami.</p>

<p>My question is: will it be better to go to UF normally or to the Honors programs at the other schools?"</p>

<p>Talk about drinking McUF Koolaid…get into UM FIRST, then start thinking about which way to go in college. Please note, this isn’t High School and the whole honors thing is a different animal. The main thing to consider is your chance of success at any of the three. Visit them, talk to students, look at class size, academic rigor, things to do off campus…a sincere good luck</p>

<p>I have a 2230 SAT, 4.4 W, 3,86 UW, top 1.5% of my class. And I’m serious, so please answer honestly, how is the outlook of my chances of making the honors program?</p>

<p>Last year, my D had a 2100, 3.96 UW, 4.42 W, top 1% and did not get in initially. They offered the honors program to the top 10% of the accepted students, and she was not in the top 10% even with her stats. She appealed and based on the fact that not all who were accepted ended up attending, they re-evaluated her and allowed her into the program. </p>

<p>Your SAT is higher than hers was, so I would guess that you have a good chance. But even so, if you did not get in you can appeal.</p>