Honors Program

Hi everyone! Last night I was looking into the Geneseo honors program and found that you must be invited, and have 2 of the following; GPA above 95, ACT of at least 32, and an SAT of at least 1400 (1600 scale). I have a 97 GPA and a 31 ACT. Is there generally any leniency in who they invite, or am I out of the question because my ACT is one point too low?

why worry. stop pushing yourself and learn to relax. there are plenty of “honors” graduates out there selling coffee by the cup and living in basements playing world of warcraft all night. after your first job, if you get one, your college revord is meaningless. time to enjoy life.

I wasn’t worrying, I was just curious. There’s nothing wrong with having goals and a little motivation, even if it doesn’t pay off in the end as you seem to be implying. I hope this doesn’t come off the wrong way or anything, but I am thoroughly enjoying life right now, possibly more than ever before. Thanks for your input though. @jimtoes‌

@purpleroan, I found the following on the SUNY Geneseo website:

"The program admits incoming first year students and a small number of current first year students. Application to the program is by invitation only.

To be invited to apply, incoming freshmen typically must meet at least two of the following three criteria: a high school average of at least 95, SAT scores of at least 1400 (Verbal and Math), and ACT of at least 32. Additionally, students must show evidence of a lively dedication to scholarship.

Students who are already in attendance at Geneseo must have earned a grade point average of at least 3.6 and present a minimum of 24 credit hours earned at Geneseo.

Students are chosen for the Edgar Fellows Program from the invited applicants based on a competitive essay and further evidence of academic potential. Generally, approximately thirty incoming students and up to ten current first year students are admitted into the program annually."

In answer to your first question regarding leniency, they do use the phrase, “To be invited to apply, incoming freshman TYPICALLY must meet…” I read that as evidence of leniency (depending upon the applicant pool). However, they also indicate that approximately 30 incoming students join the program each year. My sense is that the profile of Edgar Fellows students may include significantly higher stats than the typical minimums. Moreover, apparently they invite students to apply and then choose students based on “a competitive essay and further evidence of academic potential”. I think it’s worth inquiring, however, a more straightforward route to inclusion in the Honors program may be once you begin your first year at Geneseo, as “up to ten current first year students are admitted into the program annually.” Express interest and ace your first semester at Geneseo and I would think they’d have to offer you the opportunity to apply (under the rationale that you can’t get better than all A’s).

Whatever you decide, I personally think it’s great that you’re curious, motivated, that you set goals for yourself and are enjoying life. Awesome!

@PhD411‌ thanks you for your help!! I read most of that online as well, but I’m afraid I did miss the “typically” part…I would interpret that as flexibility as well. Your logic does make a lot of sense, though, about the stats being on the higher side considering the small number of admitted students; hadn’t seen that either!! Either way, if I do end up at Geneseo and choose to pursue admission later on its good to have an idea of what is being looked for. Thanks again!

Out of curiosity, where did you end up going to school? I’m also really interested in the Edgar Fellows program and am disappointed because my SAT seems just shy.

@AbananaA If you can’t get in as a freshman, you may still be able to get in as a sophomore. I was in the program as a freshman, but I had many friends who didn’t originally get in but had very strong freshman years and were eventually offered a spot in the program.