Honors Program

I applied to be a part of the honors program at Loyola, but I am not sure I want to go through with it. I need some pros and cons of being part of the program. I’m not sure how I feel about the mandatory housing, but I like the idea of having a smaller community around me. Aside from that, the classes will obviously be harder, and I don’t know if I will be able to handle them. I would rather work hard at normal classes and get better grades in the end. I will be applying for medical school so having a high GPA is very important. Let me know what you think, any past experience you or family members have had, etc.


I would go through with it because I’ve talked to a lot of honors colleges, and here’s a couple benefits: You prepare actually pretty well for writing personal medical statements. You def. get more oppurtunities to do research, and these 2 reasons are basically why I accepted Honors college.

However, if you don’t like it, just drop out. BTW look forward to seeing you next year, I’m gonna be pre med too :slight_smile:

Hi I saw this forum on your application to the honors program and was just wondering how and around what time did you find out if you were accepted. I’m waiting for a response and I’m kinda not sure when I should be expecting one