Honors program

<p>Hey I am applying to GWU's Honors program and was wondering if anyone from edI got in and if they could post their stats.</p>

<p>also chance me if you could
from Florida, private school, female, white, applying regular decision</p>

<p>SAT: CR-730, M-660, W-730, Essay-11
GPA: 4.2-weighted
SAT II’s: math-690, US hist- 770, World hist- 680
AP’s: APUSH (5), American Gov (5), Comparative Gov (5), Latin Vergil (2- oops…didn’t write this one down on my app), Art History, European History, AB Calculus</p>

<p>Sr. Sched: AP Art hist, Ap Euro, AP clac AB, English, Environmental Sci Honors, Humanities honors</p>

<p>Extra Criccs: founder an pres of club, secretary of another, Nat’l honor society, Nat’l Latin honor society, varsity track, girls state, natl merit commended scholar, homecoming and prom committees, youth comission at church, and others
Jobs: Law intern, camp counselor</p>


<p>I applied and got in EDI to GW but was told referring the honors college (applied to that too) that we would not be told until march</p>