
<p>I’m trying to gauge whether I’ll be accepted into the Honors College, and how much (if any) merit aid I’ll receive. I know my GPA is below average, but my test scores are significantly higher than average and I have good ECs. Are my chances better for getting scholarships/into honors if I wait until after I get my official 1st semester grades to apply?(around the beginning of February) or is waiting that long going to put my chances of getting money at stake because it will already have been given out? Here are my stats. Help please!</p>

<p>I’m a female from Washington State!</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA-3.6 (Lots of AP and honors)
I know It’s low, I had a terrible junior year, struggled a ton with anxiety, screwed myself over in school, 3.18 first semester junior year, 2.8 second semester. :/But I’m thinking an inspiring essay about the situation could explain it and score me some points? And I WILL be doing very well 1st semester senior year, with 4 APs.</p>

<p>ACT- 32
SAT-700 reading, 660 math, 690 writing</p>

<p>-National Honor Society, Member 3 years, secretary senior year
-Math Olympiad, Member 3 years, made it to state level from both regional competitions so far
-Science olympiad, member 4 years, Captain 2 years
-Knowledge Bowl, member 4 years, captain 2 years
-Young Life Student leader 3 years, Volunteered at YL camp on work crew for 2 summers, leading girls at
-Environmental Club, member 3 years, vice president junior year, dissolved this year to found key club
-Humanitarian Club, member 3 years, activities coordinator junior year, it was dissolved after this year to form key club
-Key Club, founding member senior year, club editor</p>