Honors seminars for upperclassmen

<p>Montegut: The additional honors classes are announced in the weekly honors newsletter that students receive in the Alabama account. That comes out on Fridays, usually in the late afternoon.</p>

<p>As for honors by contract, my son thought about doing it with one of his political science classes during his spring semester of his freshman year. He would have had to do an extensive research paper. Midway through the semester, he realized that he had too much going on to add a paper to his to-do list, so he e-mailed the professor and cancelled the contract.</p>

<p>As for his current classes in Belgium, either is an honors class. They are just two, political science classes for his major.</p>

<p>Thanks, momreads. I’ll have him keep his eyes peeled for that newsletter.</p>

<p>Montegut: The newsletter is usually sent by Dr. Oneal, if that’s of any assistance. My son usually saves them, because, in the past, he has gone back a week or so later and found something that he needed.</p>

<p>I’m pondering doing the 1 hour Professional Development course for juniors and seniors, since I need 4 more UH hours and already intend on taking Classics in Western Culture in a later semester. Don’t know how useful it would be, and I don’t know if I can handle 19 hours again…</p>

<p>Mesquite, while you have done very well while taking 19 hours a semester, I’ll still caution you against taking an overload and remind you that Elvis’s wish for 40 more hours in a day is not yet a reality. The Professional Development seminar (likely taught by Becky Reamey) is a useful class for everyone though.</p>

<p>SEA_Tide: have you taken that Professional Development class?</p>

<p>Yes, I’m not sure about it, even though I’m about as effective as Jack Bauer when it comes to making use of the 24 hours in a day. I tried to find reviews on Reamey, but have heard nothing either via the internet or word of mouth. Though the class doesn’t look like it would burden me too much in all honesty. The course description is also rather vague.</p>

<p>I have not taken the professional development class. As I will be completing all of my remaining UHP requirements this semester outside of the Honors College (500-level courses) and no longer have a position that involves me being at Nott Hall, I don’t know how involved I’ll be with the Honors College this year.</p>