<p>Ok I have heard (on this forum and elsewhere) that Tufts has kind of a reputation for being a hook-up school.....don't let this influence your answer but that really creeps me out. Is this true, and if so, to what extent? I understand it's a hard thing to judge, but just comment on the atmosphere. My high school is such a hook-up school that it's like, socially unacceptable to ask a girl on a date. Just....no one DOES it, and I really hate it.</p>
<p>I dont think this is true. I mean you could certainly get girls at Tufts, but it's not really a party school or a "hook-up" school.</p>
<p>nah, tons of people are in serious relationships. HOWEVER! I will say that one guy I was interested in kept trying to get me out on dates, and frankly, it made me feel like everything was so FORMAL that I felt uncomfortable. As if it were like, The Allotted Courting Time Period. This Is When We Get To Know Each Other Better. It was unnatural. Plus he'd then always say things like "So! Are we friends, or are we more?" I preferred just being together, hanging out, and letting the chemistry develop naturally.</p>
<p>I'm going to give the same answer that applies to pretty much everything - you'll find people of every kind here, and some will be interested in the same things as you in terms of relationships :-D I've actually met more relationshippy guys and girls than random hookup people. But I also don't go to frats much.</p>