Hooking Up

<p>Would you say that your campus has a "hook-up" culture? If not, how would you describe it? Do students have committed relationships? If so, how do they start them?</p>

<p>if there's one thing that there is no manual on, its the 'romance' aspect of a campus. I don't think any school has a stronger 'couples culture' than another but couples happen everywhere. Like every relationship, it depends on the people and opportunities. There's no universal 'start'.</p>

<p>definetly a strong "hookup" culture at BC. ask almost anyone here and they will agree. when you ask upperclassmen though, they say it gets a LITTLE better for dating as you get to be an upperclassmen.</p>

<p>yes there are some committed relationships.. but in all honesty i only know of about 2 or 3 that happened over the year that ive been there so far. kinda stinks when you want a relationship but is good fun when youre just chilling and being young and single</p>

<p>i don't really think it has much to do with the school, i mean its more based on an individual decision. there's nothing wrong if you want to have a little fun i college and have some hook-ups, neither is there a problem if you're looking for a commited relationship. obviously bigger party schools might have more of a hook up scene....</p>

<p>our school has 2:1 ratio guys to girls :frowning: so not really</p>

<p>i’ve found it’s really hard to start a relationship with someone you initially met via hooking up at a party…i met my current boyfriend in CLASS, which makes a huge difference.</p>

<p>i’d say just don’t really go out to parties or bars looking for a relationship because most people there don’t have that same goal in mind. people you meet in your classes or extracurricular activities are better choices, in my opinion.</p>

<p>It depends on what you look like, or how much money you have.</p>

<p>The big thing on my school’s campus is permanent relationships. Every upperclassman I know is either engaged or already married, I guess that would be the biggest reason those few people don’t transfer.</p>

<p>^^do you go to christian school or something where everyone feels compelled to get married young so they can finally have sex?</p>

you can always hook up with a boy</p>


<p>if you find a girl/guy at a party, there is essentially a 99% chance that it’ll be a hook-up and not anything more.</p>

<p>If you find a girl/guy at a club/student organization, through mutual friends, where you live, work, or through classes, the dynamic is often very different. </p>

<p>However overall underclassmen primarily just hook-up and have “friends with benefits.” The dating scene is sparse, it seems the only people who are dating are those who have retained relationships from high school. Upperclassmen are more looking to settle down for the most part, but there are still plenty of hook-ups among them to be found (at least at my school).</p>

<p>fa-la-la-lena, sounds like my school.</p>

<p>Seriously, a majority of upperclassmen want to “settle down”? What about all those people who don’t marry till 30+?</p>


heh no its a public university here, and they already have sex all the time. How do I know this? Because they talk about it ALL the time.</p>

<p>I just think, the majority of students dropout or transfer, and that leaves the students who actually enjoy this school so they can hook up with each other easier? I dunno and I’ll probably never know as I’m not going to be here to find out :)</p>

<p>Great question! At my CC there is alot of hooking up. But when I transfer this Winter, who knows? Can anyone expound on this for UC Irvine?</p>

<p>LOL. UCI…hahahaha
Wait wait, what’s your ethnicity?</p>

<p>Greens, are you laughing at someone because of the school they go to (or will go to)?</p>

<p>My school doesn’t really have a strong hookup culture despite the fact that most people here tend to be attractive.</p>