Hooks for the Ivies?

<p>So, yep. As a bit of background information - I'm an Australian student (hence international), top 10% of my class, will graduate high school in the top 4% of the state, plus all the regulars (band, varsity sports, volunteering, etc.).</p>

<p>People talk a lot about "hooks" that can have you stand out as an applicant. I've done some pretty unconventional things, but I'm not sure if they're the right sorta thing that could get me into Wharton, Georgetown, etc. - that calibre of school.
But here they are:</p>

<li><p>First and foremost, I've produced a music video (eg. run casting, budgeting, logistics, etc.) for EMI Records at age 15. I'm also scheduled to produce another video for EMI later this year.
(That's my big one - right sorta thing?)</p></li>
<li><p>I'm a dual state-finalist for Model UN (not a huge deal in comparison but some nice backup nonetheless.</p></li>
<li><p>I work as one of three on a committee to help organise a series of Under-18's concerts at a popular Sydney venue; this involves putting together promotion packages to send to potential sponsors, as well as the to-and-fro trying to organise booking and paying bands to play. I also had to help out a proposal for Government sponsorship in relation to this.</p></li>

<p>Is this the right sort of idea for a Wharton-wannabe? And what are some other examples of a "so unusual that it's typical" Tier 1/Ivy League hook?</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>True hooks are: recruited athlete, legacy, URM, development. Winning truly competitive national/international events may come close.</p>

<p>Wharton likes business experience and it seems you have some. Realize most applicants claim some, often sketchy, so quantify–produced music video for $2 billion film company which sold 700K copies yielding the company $2MM. I’ve interviewed Wharton kids for years and the many business claims don’t hold water.</p>

<p>They also look for very strong math skills, so kids who compete in math events get big points.</p>

<p>If you have the grades and scores (focus on getting an 800 mathIIc, about half the class does) you will be in good shape.</p>