Hooks, Tips, and all you want to know! v2.0

Recruited Athlete</p>

First Generation College
Celebrity, Dignitary, Politician Family
Varsity Athlete
Perfect SAT/ACT
National Award- i.e. Intel, Congressional Volunteer o/t Year, Nat. Merit, Nat. Hisp. Scholar
Highly-Relevant EC [i.e. Student Government 4+ years, poly sci major]
Leadership positions, Class president, School Board Rep, School Advisory Council</p>

<p>Blunt Tips:
JV Athlete
A GREAT interview
High Class Rank
Regional Diversity
A huge involvement in EC's
Founding a meaningful club</p>

School Disciplinary Action
Numerous Misdemeanors
A bad recommendation
A terrible interview
Below Average SAT/ACT
Below top 20% class rank
A below average essay
Spelling mistakes
Being conceited
Being annoying, i.e sending in 5 supplemental recs, and calling your reg. rep for no reason</p>

<p>Admissions Suicide:
Submitting the wrong college name in your essays. (copy your Y essay for H and not edit.)
Convicted Felon
Terrible Grades/GPA/Standardized Test
Falsifying/plagarism (and being caught)</p>

<p>Anyone disagree or have additions? Work in Progress</p>

<p>Add to Hooks:</p>

<p>Possession of an automatic weapon and explosive vest in the admissions office.

  • Those Harvard adcoms might be crazy, but they’re not crazier than me.</p>

<p>That’s true… but I’m thinking a long term insurance would be better. They could always just rescind your admission.</p>

<p>Or they could do something humorous… like send you the acceptance letter in jail. hahaha</p>

<p>Do you remember my bit on the Yale post? About hunting down everyone they know so that they are utterly alone in life? </p>

<p>You threaten them with that.</p>

<p>I make good on my threats; no walls can hold me! No coppers can stop me! <em>Manly roar/guitar riffs</em></p>

<p>Gotta love it when you have at least two hindrances. Man, that rejection letter’s gonna buuuurrrn.</p>

<p>let it burn. let it burn. gotta let it burn. deep down you know it’s best for yourself, but you, hate the thought of it being with someone else. but you know that it’s over. we know that it’s through. let it burn. let it burn. gotta let it burn.</p>

<p>haha, TP^^, Thats a pretty good list in my opinion. Id say I have 3 tips, 2 blunts, and 1 hindrance (below average SAT).</p>

<p>how much weight do you think each one is worth? like out of 100, do you think that a blunt tip is worth 30points or whatever? a hindrance worth -40? and maybe you need at least 60 or 70 or so to be considered more thoroughly?</p>

<p>The list is substantially misguided.</p>

<p>Hooks = recruited athlete, super-prominent family (either celebrity or long-term donation wise), substantial achievement in chosen field (e.g., Natalie Portman, Yo-Yo Ma, holding elective office). Not legacy, not URM. Hooks mean you are in absent a big problem.</p>

<p>^ Most of us know that; we’re just being silly.</p>

<p>You’ve been silly before, no?
…You have been a kid before, haven’t you?</p>

<p><em>Ponders the possibility he wasn’t</em></p>

<p>…So, you were definitely a c-section then, right?</p>

<p>You were being silly, I’m not certain the OP was. Sorry. I’m old.</p>

<p>When I’m old, I want to be a tweedy, absent minded professor adored by all.</p>

<p>Some of you need to chill out. Hook doesn’t mean instant acceptance. Nothing does. Hooks are simply a big plus.</p>

<p>Are you offended by my list? Please say yes because the more people that take my sarcastic posts serious, or the more people that find my serious posts flawed… the more I smile :D</p>

<p>This is simply a big list of compiled bonuses. You can arrange them in whatever order you want! You have no idea how much each one is waited. So don’t tell me otherwise.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t be surprised if they admit a few low stat no “hook” kids just to spite you.</p>

<p>Now if you want to talk about hooks, [this</a> guy has a pretty definite hook.](<a href=“http://www.thepickards.co.uk/images/pirate58.gif]this”>http://www.thepickards.co.uk/images/pirate58.gif)</p>

<p>^ 94% admit rate.</p>

<p>So, two pirates are in a bar’s restroom, and they go to do their business. One pirate notices a ship’s wheel around the other pirate’s dick.</p>

<p>“Er, Matey, what’s that thar wheel for?”</p>

<p>“Arrrgh, it’s drivin’ me nuts!”</p>

<p>^ That joke never gets old. I even chuckled aloud, despite having heard the joke in elementary school.</p>

<p>This would be my take on things:</p>

Significant National/International Achievement/Awards (Davidson, IMO, Intel STS, TASP, RSI)
Developmental Case
Celebrity, Dignitary, Politician Family
Recruited Athlete</p>

Socioeconomic Status and Consideration of Situation
Under-Represented Minority
First Generation College

<p>Blunt Tips:
Everything else.</p>

<p>This would be my take on things:</p>

Significant National/International Achievement/Awards (Davidson, IMO, Intel STS, TASP, RSI)
Developmental Case
Celebrity, Dignitary, Politician Family
Recruited Athlete</p>

Socioeconomic Status and Consideration of Situation
Under-Represented Minority
First Generation College
Testicle Humor

<p>Blunt Tips:
Everything else.</p>

<p>^ Uh…what? Duplicate posts?</p>