Hope for deferrals!

<p>I was reading the Acceptance/rejection thread just now and I noticed a great deal of concern among those of you whose sons or daughters were deferred.</p>

<p>My D applied Early Decision to Elon and received her acceptance letter to the school in early December. Soon afterward, she received a letter of deferral from the MT Department. Another CC mother said her D was in the same situation.</p>

<p>Well, I just want to say not to give up hope, because both my D and this other girl were ultimately accepted to the MT program in March. My D auditioned at the VERY FIRST audition date in the fall (October I believe it was,) so those of you who feel like you made a mistake by auditioning early–don’t despair!</p>

<p>Good luck to all. We are all keeping our fingers crossed for you! :)</p>

<p>Thanks SO much for the encouragement! It’s a hard wait from now to March. D. has second guessed herself about Elon being one of her earliest auditions…should she have waited etc. She tried to do as many auditions as she could early so she could concentrate on spring show rehearsals but now wonders if that was smart. Hearing fom all of you who have “trod this path” before is lovely! Thank you!</p>

<p>I feel for you. My son auditioned in early Feb last year, and that wait seemed endless even then! They only gave deferrals to people who had auditioned in the fall, so we really had no clue what they thought of him. A deferral is a very good sign, so try not to let the waiting get you down.</p>

<p>This waiting is sooooo hard -</p>

<p>Yep, I have a deferral, and it is killing me to wait, because I’m paying to go to the Fellows interview weekend, even though I don’t even know if I’m accepted into the MT department.</p>

<p>Good luck! My niece is attending the honors / fellows interview weekend. If you want to try to meet them, send me an e-mail using the drop-down menu on my name. Do not post a private e-mail, as I don’t get here as often as I once did. Also, my son is in the College Fellows program. My niece is not going into MT - probably science major and dance minor.</p>


<p>My name is John Yi and I am a junior Music Theatre major. I would love to answer any questions you may have, so please feel free to ask!</p>

<p>I know the deferral process can be daunting… but in reality, a deferral really is a very good sign. Those of us in the audition room know that you do your very best, so please don’t think that you could have changed anything because we see such talented students so often!</p>

<p>singingactress—I am also a Leadership Fellow, but since SETC is during Fellows Weekend, I have never ONCE been able to be here for it! :frowning: Usually, the Leadership Program gets each and every one of us from Fellows to interview once student, and I so wish I could do that, but as you know, SETC is very important for us in terms of finding a job! Anyway, since you are on campus during Fellows weekend, I would really recommend stopping by the Performing Arts Building or even emailing Cathy to see if you could just stop by and say hi. It is always nice for us to see your face again!</p>

<p>Hope this helps,

<p>Rejected! Awesome. Well, Indiana is more my style anyway.</p>

<p>It just seems unfair b/c a good friend of mine who was also deferred and I spent the money to go to the Fellows weekend b/c we thought we had a shot. Not so much.</p>

<p>Hello! I hope all is well with everyone :)</p>

<p>singingactress—I am glad you feel that Indiana is more your style. Finding the right college is a tough and tedious decision to make, and I hope you gain the most out of your education there. And, I know the process of visiting schools can be exhausting, and I don’t know how much money I spent visiting schools! A lot :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Hope this helps.

<p>I plan on auditioning on the first Friday in November but probably will not get my academic application in until mid or late December. I am not doing early decision. Anway I was just wondering if the theater department will still send out an accept, reject or defer decision based on my audition before the actual school application is in.</p>

<p>Hello Grace MT, when my daughter auditioned for Elon she auditioned in November and she received her acceptance in December to the MT program. She applied regular decision and did not receive her academic acceptance and scholarship info from Elon till March. Good Luck!!</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the info! This will be my first audition so I am excited!</p>